Skiers Attempt To Descend Whistler's 5,000'+ Vertical In Under 5 Minutes

Whistler Blackcomb is one of the world's premiere ski resorts. The resort is blessed with two mountains that each have a vertical rise over 5,000 feet.

Lower elevation snow quality can be iffy considering the resort's coastal setting and the base's low elevation, but skiing nearly a mile of vert on Whistler Mountain's Peak to Creek trail is an experience any skier can enjoy.

Watch as YouTube channel onecutmedia and friends attempt to ski the full vertical in under 5 minutes:

onecutmedia: "Peak to Creek in Under 5 Min?! Just Maybe. That was bit scary, I don't think I could go much faster even with proper skis. I had my BlackCrows Corvus, 107 under foot, not your ideal skis for ripping a groomer!"

Skiing a 5,000 foot winding groomer isn't as exciting as hitting Whistler's 'Air Jordan', but racing down to beat a desired time seems like it would be a great way to end a day on the mountain.

My fellow East Coast and Midwest skiers are probably salivating at this video. Five minutes of uninterrupted groomer skiing on over 5,000 feet of vertical is what they dream of on the dreariest and busiest days at their home resorts.

Let this video serve as a friendly reminder that skiing isn't only about the powder day craze or throwing big tricks. You can have fun no matter the terrain.

See map below for Whistler's Peak to Creek Trail on their expansive trail map:

Whistler's Peak To Creek Trail.<p>Whistler Blackcomb</p>
Whistler's Peak To Creek Trail.

Whistler Blackcomb

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