Skier Scores Dreamy Powder Run

Sometimes, a video comes along that perfectly encapsulates what makes skiing so special.

This is one of those videos, featuring a skier scoring a dreamy powder run high in the Alps.

Perfect. I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing that I could be skiing lines like that right now. Alas, for most of us, powder turns are months away. Unfortunately, the summer skier's doldrums are just getting started unless you're in the Southern Hemisphere.

Maybe I'll buy a mountain bike in a desperate attempt to find something to replace skiing with. Although something tells me that, as fun as biking looks, nothing can scratch the same itch as making turns through uncut pow. It's the curse of skiing; the sport is undeniably fun as heck, but you can only do it for half the year. I'm sure mountain bikers feel similarly when their favorite trails get snowed or rained out.

Yann Rausis, the skier in this clip, is a well-established Swiss rider who spent time competing on the Freeride World Tour. On the Tour, he was known for his distinctive playful-yet-aggressive style.

Since moving on from the Tour, Rausis has focused primarily on putting out video projects, like the excellent "From Source." See it below.

Head over to Yann Rausis' Instagram for more big mountain skiing goodness.

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