Skier Lands Backflip With One Foot In A Cast

You ever see something online and think, "What is this guy's deal? Does he have rocks in his head?"

The video you're about to watch—featuring skier Tomaz Cigler—will likely elicit that kind of response. And, to be clear, I mean that in the best way possible. Just don't try this at home.

Cigler reportedly "busted up" his ankle a few weeks ago, but that obviously hasn't slowed him down.

In a way, the Fernie, British Columbia-based skier has been training for the moment he had an excuse to try a one-legged backflip.

Cigler helps run a ski-focused Instagram account called @boner_media (no, not kidding) that blends gnarly skiing with, well, penis jokes. As it turns out, this combination has a large online audience.

But the page wasn't always swimming in followers. To put @boner_media on the map, Cigler did a backflip for every 50 followers Boner Media received, eventually finding himself doing hundreds of backflips even when the conditions were icy.

His approach paid off, launching the page from 198 followers to over 30,000 followers between December and January of this winter. At the time of writing this, the page is now sitting pretty at 61,000 followers.

The upshot of Cigler's Sisypuhus-like endeavor is that he can probably now do backflips in his sleep. Thus, removing a leg from the equation couldn't have been the largest hurdle, even if the one-legged flip looked like wizardry to everyone else.

You can say whatever you want—@boner_media is "crass" or "immature"—but the truth remains: skiing is one of the few places where refusing to take yourself too seriously is celebrated.

Related: How A Few Canadians Got 30,000 Instagram Followers By "Skiing Erect"

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