Skier Finds Crazy Solution To Descend Extremely Narrow Chute

The popular Italian outdoor adventurer Matthias Weger knows how to shock and surprise his large audience with footage of whitewater kayaking intense rapids, hiking to remote locations, and skiing scarily tight chutes.

The latter situation being, in this case, skiing a chute so tight his skis won't fit down the top part. But as Weger's latest Instagram post explains, "Weird problems" call for "strange solutions."

Weger, instead of hiking down the top part of the chute to put his skis down below the bottleneck and ski the rest, takes line fluidity to a new level.

Utilizing creativity to find a solution, Matthias puts his skis on and hikes down, skis and all.

Have you ever tried holding yourself up with your skis and poles on the flat part of the mountain? For whatever reason, this was the ultimate challenge when I was a kid. I was horrible at it.

Seeing this is like that challenge on steroids... and with way higher stakes.

I don't know about you, but I might chicken out if I had to try a move like this to get to the good snow deeper down in the chute.

It seems like Weger is on a hunt for the gnarliest chute ever. Usually, he skis them without hiking down first (because he doesn't need to)!

Such as in his run below. 

Where will his never-ending hunt take him?

Perhaps inspiration will flow from Cody Townsend's most iconic chute run ever. He throws down in a pretty narrow looking one for Days of My Youth dubbed the "most insane ski line ever" by Matchstick Productions.

Watch the "most insane ski line ever" below. 

This line took big mountain skiing to an entirely new level. When Cody straight-lined one of the "gnarliest vertical chutes" deep in the Alaska Tordrillos Mountain Range, he received the "Best Line" award at the 15th annual POWDER Awards, along with "Best Male Performance" and "Full Throttle" titles as well.

There are a lot of good chutes out there. Matthias' approach is the first time we've seen someone attack one that way, though.

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