Skier Feels Elated After Jumping Biggest Cliff Of His Life

Accomplishing a personal goal in skiing (or any sport for that matter) provides a feeling like no other.

Watch as skier Ian Deans jumps the biggest cliff of his life and celebrates the feat with a symphony of well-deserved hoots and hollers:

Caption: "This was an insane line."

Well said Ian, well said.

The video was allegedly recorded at Big White Resort in Kelowna, BC, but it's unclear where this specific cliff is located. Drop us a line if you can help us pinpoint it.

Back to the video- You can tell Deans was rolling down the windows when he hit the cliff, but I honestly don't blame him. It was quite the send.

Shoot. I roll the windows down when my a** leaves the seat of the chairlift.

Kudos to you Mr. Ian Deans. Your caption was short and sweet, but the quality of your send has landed your video on Powder Magazine.

Go out and celebrate some more why don't ya?

Big White Ski Resort Stats/Info:

Vertical: 2,550 ft. (777 m)

Skiable Terrain: 7,355 acres ; Patrolled: 2,765 acres

Average Snowfall: 294 in. (750 cm)

Lifts: 16

Trails: 119

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: YES

Mega-Pass: NO

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