Skier Collides With Chairlift Mid-Air At Canadian Resort

This past weekend, a video surfaced on Instagram of a skier—Ivan Jones—experiencing an absolutely ridiculous crash.

And by "ridiculous," I mean Jones hit a chairlift mid-air while attempting a flat spin 360.

At this point, there isn't much additional information floating around about the crash.

Here's what we do know.

Ski & Bike Magazine reposted the clip quickly after Jones' original share, stating the incident occurred at Lake Louise Ski Resort, Alberta. Allegedly, the chairlift involved was the Top of The World Chair.

They also noted that Jones, who appears to be a junior freeride competitor based in Schweitzer Mountain, Idaho, was uninjured besides a few bumps and bruises.

Several professional skiers commented on Jones' original post, with Canadian phenom Cole Richardson echoing a thought that many a young skier has probably had: "It was always something that was talked about but never thought it was ever actually gonna happen."

I can relate. It's true—my friends and I, growing up, always talked about the forbidden chairlift crash but assumed it wasn't possible, eventually brushing such concerns aside as irrational fears. Now, here's Jones to prove all of us wrong.

X-Games medalist Tom Wallisch kept it simpler, writing, "Hollly [Expletive]."

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