Skier Catches Early Season Airtime At Oregon Ski Resort

This week, like several other ski resorts throughout the North American West, Timberline Lodge, Oregon, was hit with its first proper storm cycle. In the past 72 hours, the resort has received 19 inches of snow.

And you know what that means? Pre-season skiing.

Yesterday, Windells -- a ski camp at Timberline Lodge -- shared a video of a skier leaping off a small building into an inviting, powdery landing.

David Giorgi, the skier featured in the clip, shared another angle of the early-season stunt to Instagram.

These videos really put Timberline's storm into perspective. I mean, 19 inches sounds like a lot, but it can be tough to conceptualize what that looks like in practice.

Turns out, it's more than enough to get after it.

These kinds of early-season shenanigans -- at least in my opinion -- are one of the best ways to ring in winter.

While they don't provide quite the same feeling as arcing turns, clicking in for the first time is usually enough to get the seasonal stoke going properly.

And Giorgi had more snow to work with in the pre-season than most.

The last time I went in search of October snow, my friends and I drove into the hills above Squamish, British Columbia, only to find a measly couple of inches. We technically "skied" that day, but most of that time was spent riding over grass, moss, and other forms of underbrush.

Here's hoping the snow sticks around for Timberline's opening day.

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