Skier Catches Bottomless Powder Turns After Rope Drop At East Coast Ski Resort

The North American ski industry has a bit of a West Coast problem, primarily focusing on Western resorts and happenings.

However, this bias towards the Rockies or Sierra Nevada doesn't mean the East can't hang—particularly this season.

Here's proof: Skier Matt Testa recently shared a clip of him riding bottomless powder at Stowe, Vermont.

According to Stowe's snow report, the resort has picked up 20 inches of snow since Sunday, meaning the resort will likely hit 35 inches in November.

Stowe has four lifts and 35 trails open today.

Elsewhere in Vermont, at Killington, the story is similar. Killington has seen over a foot of snow this past week, creating powdery conditions for its guests.

It's a funny—perhaps poetic—turn of fortunes. While a storm is headed to the West this weekend, resorts throughout the Cascades, Rockies, and Sierra Nevada have had variable conditions this month. Some Western resorts were forced to delay their opening days due to the lack of snowfall, with the Sierra and the PNW bearing the brunt of the dry conditions.

This situation is a direct reversal of last season. During the 2022/2023 winter, the East struggled, and the West broke snowfall records.

I hesitate to call it fair, mainly because my local Montana resort only has a dusting of snow and I'd love to be skiing right now, but, in a way, it is fair. East Coasters were forced to watch their Western counterparts get the goods last season—now it's their time to shine.

From here, all there is to do is wait and see if the incoming Western storm cycle balances the scales. Stay tuned.

Related: "Incoming!"- Ski Resort Calling For 60 Inches Of Snow

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