Skier Bursts With Excitement After Challenging Run

Skiing makes you hoot. And holler.

I mean, how could it not? Few things in life feel better than sliding down snow. Successfully accomplishing a challenging, high-speed run only makes the satisfaction sweeter. Watch as Salomon athlete Robert Pallin Aaring greases a blistering line down an imposing alpine peak and celebrates in true skier's fashion.

How's that for hootin' and hollerin'?

Skiing, I've found, engenders deep feelings of accomplishment when you step outside your comfort zone. Something pushing yourself harder than previously thought possible feels warm and fuzzy -- after the adrenaline wears off, that is.

And these thrilling moments are available to skiers of every level. Skiing your first black diamond? Satisfying. Landing a triple cork? Also satisfying.

These scalable leaps in personal progression define skiing as it's a sport where testing yourself is encouraged.

Although chilling and making "dad turns" through deep pow is equally enjoyable and arguably more pleasant than the type-two fun Robert Pallin Aaring experienced during this video.

That's what's so great about skiing. You want to go fast and take chances? Knock yourself out (Ok, maybe don't literally do that. How about... break a leg? That doesn't work either. I'll keep thinking on it.) Looking to cruise some mellow groomers? Easy. More on a spend most of the day sipping hot chocolate in the lodge vibe? I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been there.

You really can't go wrong with a day on the slopes, no matter how you slice it.

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