Skier Breaks All The Rules By Rolling Off Moving Chairlift

Last season, Pierre Rochat—a skier known for his mind-bending stunts—executed a move that no ski resort would like to see repeated.

In short, Rochat broke every rule in the book with this one.

As a writer for a public-facing website, I have to state the following: do not, whatever you do, try something similar. I don't care that your pal is egging you on or you've had one too many pre-apres beers. Just don't.

For one, Rochat is a cat. His approach to skiing is facilitated by fine-tuned air awareness. If a more average skier attempted a similar chairlift roll, myself included, they could end up with a broken neck or worse.

And there's the risk of damaging a chairlift. Several commenters below this post chimed in to explain that leaping from a lift doesn't just endanger yourself—it can also cause a lift to derail, which, as you might expect, is an incredibly undesirable outcome.

To my knowledge, the fallout from Rochat's controversial move remains unresolved. While Planks Clothing—the outerwear company that shared the post—wrote, "Word on the slopes is that Les Deux Alpes ski patrol are still after his ski pass," I haven't encountered any news stating that Rochat got his pass pulled.

Les Deux Alpes ban or not, Rochat is once again getting after it this season per his ongoing Instagram posts, although none of his more recent stunts involve chairlifts, which is probably for the best.

If Rochat's chairlift roll left you hungry for more of his shenanigans, look no further. Here's his mix tape from last season.

Related: Sheriff's Office Investigating Hit And Run At Popular Colorado Ski Resort

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