Skier Attempts 115-Foot Frontflip On Artificial Ski Slope

Yesterday, ski instructor and content creator Anthony Robert shared a video of him attempting a 115-foot frontlip on skis.

Normally, such a move would be noteworthy, but Robert upped the ante with this one: he launched the front flip without a smidge of snow in sight.

Check out his recent upload below.

I've tried out an artificial ski slope once in my life, and let me tell you, falling on these things isn't for the faint of heart. Unlike snow, they have no give and shred exposed skin like you wouldn't believe.

Thus, the margin of error for Robert's stunt here was tiny. Had he over-rotated and gone over the bars, he would've been in for a world of hurt. Thankfully, the guy's air awareness is on point, so a serious tumble clearly wasn't much of a concern.

Here's another angle of the front flip.

This, unsurprisingly, isn't Robert's first artificial slope rodeo. Last year, he proved that he could do more than freestyle by launching an artificial jump in classic ski jumper fashion -- he even donned long skis and a speed suit.

Talk about multi-sport athlete. Yes, I know, ski jumping (of the traditional variety) is still skiing, but it's distinct from freestyle in several ways. Doing both, like Robert, is no small feat.

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