Skier Admits Fault On Bare Patch Opening Day Crash

I love yard sales. I've been to quite a few recently, shopping for that XXL menswear steeze to wear on the mountain this winter (yes, I was inspired by the Vishnu boys, and no, I don't have money for brand new Harlaut pants).

But the yard sale I laid my eyes on last week, posted on Instagram by skier Frank Lee (@halfscouser) at Winter Park, Colorado, was not something I wanted any part of.

Frank shared a concerning clip of himself careening over a bare patch of what appears to be grass right next to the trail, with another skier closely on his left.

Frank then explodes into the air, losing his skis and thankfully remaining uninjured. After the event, Frank reflected on his actions, writing, "I’m glad I avoided a serious injury. I made the mistake here as the skier behind."

The accident also left Frank, and everyone else watching, with the reminder to "always keep your distance and ski responsibly."

Crashing is inevitable, but, as Frank points out, it's important to avoid others and take responsibility when you're the skier accountable for losing control.

Otherwise, we risk seeing another unfortunate (although admittedly entertaining) Gwyneth Paltrow situation!

As mountains begin to open and skiers flock to resorts, hopefully we all keep Frank's advice in mind. It's never positive to run into other people or risk losing your pass.

Shredding isn't like the mail system: if you hit someone trying a trick, there's no "return to sender."

Related: Gwyneth Paltrow Sued for Ski Crash

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