Skier Adjusts Mid-Air To Avoid Slamming Bystander In Landing

Most skiers have stories of close calls and near-collisions. It's just part of the deal when skiing the resort; sometimes, nearly hitting another skier is unavoidable.

This clip, from Benjamin Pichler, documents a close call involving a questionably timed jump.

Who's at fault here?

Let's see what Benjamin Pichler has to say for himself:

"I have seen the guy in the landing and was planning to jump much more to the right but the powderpocket at the takeoff popped me in a diffent direction...Totally my fault and glad nothing happened."

Well, there ya have it. Good on him for owning up to his mistakes.

I'm in agreement with his take. As a hard-charging skier, it's on you to always check your landings.

Ideally, Benjamin would've had a friend scout his line to make sure it was clear of bystanders. When conditions are good, though, these precautions often aren't adhered to.

And for the most part, that's fine. However, I've seen what happens when you speed through a crowded zone without checking out the landings first.

One time, a friend of mine flew off a side hit without realizing that a snowboarder was sitting in the landing. Luckily, my friend managed to leapfrog over the snowboarder, so no one was seriously hurt. But it was a learning moment. If you want to ski fast, you gotta take other skiers and riders on the mountain into account.

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