Ski Resort's Summer Opening Derailed By Mother Nature

Beaver Creek Resort, Colorado was hoping to open this past weekend for summer activities like hiking and mountain biking, but Mother Nature had other plans.

Check out the photos below of fresh snow falling on Beaver Creek over the weekend:

June or January? Beaver Creek can't seem to make up its mind.

Multiple inches of snow fell at higher elevations from Beaver Creek to Breckenridge and Arapahoe Basin, but don't fear, summer makes a triumphant return this week.

High temperatures are expected to hover in the mid-70s at Beaver Creek this week with plenty of sunshine.

Beaver Creek Summer Trail Map
Beaver Creek Summer Trail Map

I need to move to a place where it can randomly snow 3 or 4 inches in the middle of June.

Just don't expect me to shovel in the middle of summer. I love snow as much as the next skier, but shoveling a driveway is easily one of my least favorite things in the world to do.

This is totally random, but you know how automated lawnmowers are slowly trickling into the market? Can we get an automated snowblower, please?

I would pay an exorbitant amount of money if a robot could clear my driveway.

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