Ski Movie Parody Features Local Kids Ripping Vail Ridge At Alta Ski Area

Ski parodies are the heart and soul of skiing.

Even G.N.A.R. (the game and the movie) was born from iconic boundary-pushing skier Shane McConkey's desire to poke fun at pro skiers who take their work a little too seriously.

From the looks of it, these Utah groms took a few pages out of Squ*llywood's book, given the amount of pole whacking and super-serious attitude they took to the hill.

The description of the film reads, "Storied and historical Vail Ridge should be near the top of anyone’s bucket list. Its Everest-like allure beckons skiers to its slopes and crags and cliffs. DO NOT ski it if you’re not a seasoned child professional."

Vail Ridge is the lone black in a sea of green.

See Vail Ridge coming off Sunnyside on the map below. 

Trail map <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:courtesy of Alta.;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">courtesy of Alta. </a>

That's not to say these kids don't rip, though. Underneath the jokes (and the relatively fresh-looking champagne powder) these groms are charging interesting lines and chasing pow in a way most of us wish we had the time and energy to.

Even the chowder they bust through looks solid, and it's no easy feat to carve through tracked-out snow when you're the size they are.

The line the kids stand atop of, about a minute into the film, looks not only fun, but fresh. They know where to go. Or the resort forced everyone on-piste while they filmed their segments, naturally.

The best part is that their height helps things look epic, because when you're a kid, everything is waist-high, even on average storm days.

The one thing I take issue with, though, is the description for child professional Leo Fillnow. His bio reads, "hucks bigger than his dad."

Listen kid, if that's all it took, my brother and I would both be pro by now (kidding!).

Anyway, step aside, Sverre Engen, Betty Woolsey, and George Dondero from Margie of the Wasatch. Alta is the child professional's mountain now.

Related: Snowboarder Attempts To Ride Alta Ski Area

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