Ski Film 'Never Seen a Bear' Is A Can't Miss Indie Project

You don't really need that much to put together a ski movie. A camera or two? A few people willing to risk life and limb? A "can do" attitude?

From afar, those seem to be the simple ingredients for Never Seen a Bear, a short indie ski movie released earlier this month. In this case, though, simple's not bad—it's good. Heck, scratch that. It's great.

Give Never Seen a Bear a watch below.

Never Seen a Bear was filmed somewhere in California last season—probably the Sierra Nevada. I know I spied a chairlift for a few seconds.

Ben Barclay, the star of the show and clearly a ripping skier, is from New Zealand. He attended the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics for his home country, performing in big air and slopestyle disciplines. We also learn that Barclay, as the title of this short movie would imply, has never seen a bear.

It's a fun, kind of weird piece of ski media, which, it turns out, makes perfect sense, given who put Never Seen a Bear together: filmer and editor Gavin Rudy.

Rudy's worked on a wide range of ski media projects, from longer, more traditional movies to the shorter, stranger bits of video he uploads to his YouTube account.

August Light (Have a Nice Day), a 2021 release from Rudy and skier Ethan Swadburg, combines these two worlds—clean ski filmmaking and general wackiness—into something totally different that still qualifies as a ski movie. It's one of my favorites. Maybe you'll feel the same way.

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