Six Things Experts Always Do for Fuller Eyebrows

More often than not, makeup artists tell us that our eyebrows are the windows to the face—and that if you're going to apply one beauty product before you leave your house, pencil (or some iteration of this definer) is it. Though there are so many eyebrow products on the market, the goal is to treat your pair well that you require less enhancement in order to achieve a natural, fluffy look. Luckily, there are plenty of techniques and formulas that can help your brows look their best. Ahead, what experts do for fuller brows—so you can have them, too.

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Start with clean eyebrows.

For better eyebrows, begin with a clean slate. "Everyone should cleanse their eyebrows to keep them healthy and free of yeast build-up, which can accumulate and cause a rash because the immune system attacks it. This leads to unhealthy skin in that area and less robust hair growth," explains Dennis Gross, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist and dermatological surgeon.

Let them grow.

The best way to achieve fullness? Put down the tweezers. "Stop removing hair for four to 12 weeks to allow them to grow in fully," notes Ramy Gafni, an eyebrow expert and the founder of Ramy Cosmetics. This also means no waxing or threading, which will ensure your eyebrows return to their natural shape.

Embrace your natural shape.

Speaking of your natural shape, try to stick to your brows' organic arch if you're attempting to pluck at home. Just be sure to avoid "magnifying mirrors, because they're going to cause you to over pluck," says Laura Gellar, founder of her eponymous beauty brand. "Instead, stick to maintaining your brows by looking for stray hairs that are easily visible in a bathroom mirror." And if you are looking to give your pair a bit of structure? "Follow your natural arch, without getting too close to it," she adds.

Consider a brow serum.

Stimulate blood flow under and around your brow hair by massaging a serum—specifically formulated for this part of your face, like Grande Cosmetic's Brow Enhancing Serum ($70,—into the area, so that the product penetrates the follicle, shares Robyn Gmyrek, M.D., of Union Square Laser Dermatology.

Try a tint.

If you're happy with your natural shape, but are looking to enhance your eyebrows' color, try a tint, which darkens lighter hairs most people have, but can't see; this ultimately creates a fuller look. We recommend heading to a professional, who can help you determine the right color, for this treatment.

Use makeup to fake a fuller brow.

To achieve your ideal shape during the grow-in phase, fake it with makeup. "The easiest product to use is a pen or pencil because it's the easiest to maneuver and control," notes Gafni. "Start by filling in any sparse areas of the brow, then, using small, hair-like strokes, [apply the pencil] in a straight line from the front of your brow to the peak. Then, in a straight line from the peak to the tail. Finish with a spoolie brush: Brush your brows from front to back in upward strokes. This removes excess filler and blends what's left behind, resulting in fuller-looking brows."