A Singular Sensation: Sienna Miller Hosts Cocktails for the International Medical Corps

A Singular Sensation: Sienna Miller Hosts Cocktails for the International Medical Corps

<h1 class="title">Cass Bird and Sienna Miller in Sonia Rykiel</h1><cite class="credit">Photo: Getty Images</cite>

Cass Bird and Sienna Miller in Sonia Rykiel

Photo: Getty Images
<h1 class="title">Lauren Santo Domingo</h1><cite class="credit">Photo: Getty Images</cite>

Lauren Santo Domingo

Photo: Getty Images
<h1 class="title">Nancy Aossey and Justin Theroux</h1><cite class="credit">Photo: Getty Images</cite>

Nancy Aossey and Justin Theroux

Photo: Getty Images
<h1 class="title">The scene at the party at Milk Studios penthouse</h1><cite class="credit">Photo: Getty Images</cite>

The scene at the party at Milk Studios penthouse

Photo: Getty Images

“I was just in Nigeria two months ago,” said actress Sienna Miller, “[and] five bombs went off in a camp we were in the day we left.” Miller was recounting a story from her last trip as a global ambassador for the International Medical Corps, an organization for which she’s been involved for almost a decade. “They are unparalleled,” added Miller. “They go in and train locals to become self-sufficient. 90 percent of the staff in each region is local to the host community.” Miller was joined by the nonprofit’s president, Nancy Aossey, who beamed with pride at the actress’s efforts to raise awareness for the organization. “She travels to the field, she spends time with our relief workers in dangerous environments, and then she comes back to the US and around the world and talks about her work.”

Hearing Miller’s message was a glittering crowd at the penthouse at Milk Studios last night that included Cass Bird, Justin Theroux, and Lauren Santo Domingo. After cocktails and mingling, Miller made an impassioned speech and implored guests to get involved however they can. “[Working with International Medical Corps] was an extraordinary introduction to the world I had been living in and not payed attention to.” Next up on Miller’s global relief efforts? A potential trip to Iraq this fall.

See the videos.