The Simpsons: the show's best Disney jokes

The Simpsons visit Dizz-Nee Land - FOX
The Simpsons visit Dizz-Nee Land - FOX

So Disney have bought Fox, meaning that they now own The Simpsons. The Simpsons, of course, predicted such a merger some years ago – much like the animation anticipated the election of Donald Trump – but that didn't stop them from making the House of Mouse the butt of the joke over the course of several seasons. Here are some of the best examples: 

Diz-Nee Land

Springfield's theme park has nothing to do with Disney, it just happens to have a phonetically similar name. And characters called Mitchy Mouse and Danny Duck. When The Simpsons go there, they are, like all visitors, frequently reminded to spend money – only after taking a series of escalators, a bus, a helicopter and a ferry to get to the park. Upon arrival, a statue of Mickey Mouse, styled in the manner of the Statue of Liberty, holds a sign advertising $7 pretzels. The whole place is surrounded by lawyers.

... and its consumerism-driven history park


When Bart's class head to Fort Springfield to watch a Civil War reenactment in the episode The PTA Disbands, they were forced to watch the whole thing through a fence after finding out they couldn't afford the entry fees at the Diz-Nee Historical Park (slogan: "Sorry, but there's profit to be had"). They peer through the hedge while the more monied attendees of a school run by one of Principle Skinner's rivals are welcomed in.

The Diz-Nee Historical Park is a satirical take on the ill-fated Disney's America theme park, which was announced in 1994, but was swiftly met with strong opposition from a string of prominent historians who argued that the battlefields of Virginia, where men had died, would be turned into "commercial blitzkrieg".

When Homer breaks into the real Disneyland

... only to immediately buy a $14 churro.

Bart and Homer experiencing Springfield like never before!

Or, rather, in a fashion that is remarkably similar to Disney's Soarin' attraction, which allows visitors to experience "beloved landscapes" at the park. 

Disney owning the rights to specific musical notes

Homer's got another thing coming when he tries to write his own theme music.

When they compared a Disney theme park to a prison

In 2002, The Simpsons arrived at a maximum security prison. Marge suggests that bringing the children wasn't the best idea, but then Homer reassures them: "Well, it sure beats Disney's California Adventure!" 

Disney's California Adventure is a theme park in Anaheim that, upon opening in 2001, was met with a number of complaints from visitors that there were too many shops and restaurants in comparison to the number of attractions, and not enough of the rides were aimed at children.