The Simple Training Plan This New Dad Used to Build a Stronger, More Muscular Body

From Men's Health

2017 was a busy year for me. I got hit by a car while out on my beloved bike, which left me with a mangled shoulder, some noticeable weight gain from the ensuing inactivity and a general lack of motivation. I did a bit of cardio but avoided anything strength-based, citing my shoulder as the excuse. The PT was helping repair the damage, but I still felt unbalanced and weak.

Then my son was born in December and the threat of the famed physical decline became a screaming daily reality.

I was still fairly fit, sure, but I couldn’t do a pull-up. Struggling to lift the pram out of the car I realized that, more than anything, I wanted to be strong. Only now I had limited time and very limited energy to invest in my training plan. This is why following The Greenwood Method worked so well. Calisthenics lends itself to all levels of ability; everyone will have a different start point and it can be made harder or easier with subtle adjustments to the moves. You never stop progressing.

For those on a tight schedule, and/or with a newborn, it’s quite the pull, too. Training in the gym is great but I’ve worked out in the park for 20 minutes at 5am when that’s the only time I had spare. I mean, I was up anyway. I used Olympic rings, which you can swing over any bar, football goal or tree, although you can master the basics on a TRX. It’s an incredibly versatile way to work out.

It’s never easy transforming your body, not least when real life means you’re often tired, stressed or bored. It’s a tough gig. But expensive gym memberships and complicated plans aren’t the tonic. Go back to basics and get a little bit better with each passing day and the results you’re after are sure to follow. I’m certainly pleased with my new dad bod.

Ring the Changes

30 Minutes | Muscles: Back, Chest, Arms | Difficulty: Medium

Get to grips with the rings and you can pack on lean upper-body muscle using minimal equipment. As with the previous circuit, aim for two rounds taking as little rest as possible.

Pillars of New Strength

30 Minutes | Muscles: Chest, Abs, Arms

By increasing time under tension, this circuit helped Ben sculpt his abs and arms. Do two rounds, and go slow to make your muscles work twice as hard.

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