The Simple Roasting Tip For The Best-Ever Broccoli Soup

Three bowls of roasted broccoli soup
Three bowls of roasted broccoli soup - Maram/Shutterstock

In the summer of 2022, a customer survey released by Green Giant announced that the firm family favorite vegetable for Americans was broccoli. It's no surprise that the miniature-tree-shaped vegetable that gloriously bulks up salads, adds green flares to fried rice, and acts as the perfect side to almost any spread took the limelight. It's simply unquestionably versatile. Even with pulverized applications, it's hard to beat a smooth yet earthy cream of broccoli soup. Well, what if the simple act of roasting the broccoli before blending could completely elevate the taste of this typical comfort food?

Boiling vegetables is straightforward, but it can ultimately dilute the flavors inherent in the ingredients. Broccoli is no different: As it simmers, its taste, nutrients, and vibrant color seep into the water, resulting in a faded rendition of the raw vegetable — tender, yes, but sadly lacking in flavor. Roasting, on the other hand, enriches the taste, texture, and appearance of the broccoli. The slow caramelization during roasting enhances the nutty and earthy essence of the florets while turning the little green branches into a golden forest shade. Consequently, once blended, these rich roasted flavors make taste waves that beautifully complement those usual broccoli soup suspects. Turn on the oven!

Read more: 12 Vegetables And Fruits That Used To Look Very Different

Roast, Roast, Roast Away

Bowl of roasted broccoli
Bowl of roasted broccoli - Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Roasting broccoli evaporates the vegetable's water content, reducing its body but intensifying its flavors. Instead of becoming a soaked sponge, the roasted broccoli becomes slightly sweetened from the caramelization. Simultaneously, it gains a more profound savory quality, accentuated by the earthy and subtly bitter notes that have become pronounced.

To capture the very best essence of the broccoli in your soup, it's best to follow some roasting tips. The first is to chop the broccoli into similar-sized florets that will roast at the same pace. This also saves you from blending mismatched charred pieces with a few larger ones that may still be raw. Don't waste the stems either, as these are equal flavor powerhouses once roasted and blended.

It's advisable to coat the broccoli in olive oil before roasting and season it with salt, pepper, and even some minced garlic (if you like an extra tang melded into those nutty flavors). Coat each piece lovingly to optimize caramelization and give each its space on the tray. This ensures you can achieve that crunchy golden outer shell on each floret -- this is where the flavors are! The broccoli is ready when it's golden around the edges and tender to pierce with a fork.

The Soup You've Been Waiting For

Roasted broccoli soup with sunflower seeds
Roasted broccoli soup with sunflower seeds - nblx/Shutterstock

While roasted broccoli might be the star of the show, it would ultimately be thick blended mush without its supporting acts. These ingredients transform the roasted broccoli into a smooth, velvety, rich soup. The first and perhaps most iconic pairing in broccoli soup is cheese. The bold flavor of sharp cheddar cheese is perfect with roasted broccoli, as the salty nature of the cheese is wonderfully balanced by the sweetened caramelized nature of the broccoli.

Vegetable broth adds savory and sweet flavors that subtly accentuate the matching flavors in the broccoli. In contrast, a chicken broth would bring some meatier aromas to the soup if you're inclined. A cream like heavy or coconut would add that much-needed fatty element, enhancing the soup's body and silkiness. Fresh or dried herbs can also play a pivotal role, whether that be the sweet, earthy taste of basil, the smoky fragrance of paprika, or the heat of mustard powder.

Making the best-ever broccoli soup is simple with this roasting tip. Yet, you still have the creative freedom to explore various additions, tailoring it into the ultimate soup that suits your taste buds' desire.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.