This Simple Movement Is Essential for Building Big Arms

This is Your Quick Training Tip, a chance to learn how to work smarter in just a few moments so you can get right to your workout.

WE'RE GOING TO go out on a limb and say that your biceps are likely the least neglected muscle in your typical workout split.

Whether you’re doing classic exercises such as the dumbbell curl or Zottman curl or ones in which your biceps play more of a supporting role (e.g., chinup, bent-over row), odds are that you probably give this key upper body muscle group plenty of attention in your training plan. After all, who doesn’t want sleeve-busting arms?

But here’s the real question: Does your program actually maximize your biceps’ growth potential? If you don’t include supination, the answer is simple: absolutely not.

What Is Biceps Supination?

Your biceps have two primary jobs when it comes to arm movement: Flexion and supination of the forearms. In other words, they bring your forearms closer to your upper arms by bending your elbows, and they also rotate your forearms outward (i.e., away from the midline of your body).

Most of the biceps exercises you do in your workouts likely focus on the first of those actions (flexion) even if they aren’t specifically aimed at targeting the muscle directly. Think about it. Whether you’re doing a dumbbell curl, hammer curl, bent-over row, cable row, pullup, chinup, or any other pulling exercise, the orientation of your forearms probably doesn’t change much as you bend your elbows.

Now try this (and watch your biceps as you do): Curl your hands toward your shoulders while simultaneously rotating your palms outward. No need to grab weights—just perform the action with clenched fists. Your biceps pop out a bit more, don’t they?

That’s exactly the point. By adding supination (i.e., outward rotation) to curls and other exercises, you can increase the degree of contraction in your biceps, and in so doing, boost your muscular gains.

How to Add Biceps Supination to Your Workouts

Over-rotating your grip at the top of each rep during the classic dumbbell curl (i.e., by turning your pinky fingers toward the sky) is the easiest way to inject more supination into your training plan, but it isn’t the only one.

If you haven’t tried the 3D-hammer curl, give it a go (you won’t be disappointed, trust us). You can even weave supination into many static or fixed grip exercises, as the waiter’s curl demonstrates.

But the big takeaway is this: When it comes to your biceps, don’t just lift; rotate, too. The more you engage this muscle group through both of its primary functions, the greater your gains will be.

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