The Simple Knife Trick For Way Prettier Deviled Eggs

plate of deviled eggs
plate of deviled eggs - Sunvic/Shutterstock

Deviled eggs are one of those dishes where the presentation is nearly as important as the taste. The contrast of the bright yellow yolk filling against the stark white of the halved hard-boiled egg is a signature look, and you can't have any bits of yolk marring your egg whites. Luckily, there's a simple knife trick that will keep your deviled eggs pretty and your whites pristine.

The technique involves wiping the knife clean between each egg slice to prevent any yolk from smearing onto the egg white portion. This simple trick ensures that each deviled egg maintains its aesthetic appeal, with no unsightly smudges ruining the smooth surface. Once you've successfully hard-boiled and peeled your eggs, use a knife to halve each egg. Carefully wipe the knife after each cut and you'll end up with beautifully uniform deviled eggs. It's this attention to detail that can amplify your deviled egg presentation and wow guests at the next family gathering, potluck, or special occasion.

Read more: The 20 Best Egg Brands, Ranked

Other Foolproof Methods For Clean Cuts

dental floss
dental floss - Nataliia Karabin/Shutterstock

There's another knife trick that's making the rounds on TikTok that also results in pretty deviled eggs. This one works because it eliminates the need for the knife to touch the yolk at all. It definitely requires some finesse with a knife but, when executed properly, will yield perfectly halved hard-boiled egg whites with a detached yolk, mess-free.

Creator Andrea VanDerwerker floored TikTok users with her hack. "$22,000 for culinary school and THEY [DIDN'T] TEACH ME [THAT]," one person commented. Another user concurred: "Day 9865 that TikTok taught me something that I should've learned in school."

If your knife skills aren't up to par or you're weary handling a blade, you can achieve similar results with dental floss. Simply slide a piece of dental floss on top of the egg and pull both ends downward to slice through effortlessly. This method ensures smooth edges and prevents the yolk from getting squished or unevenly distributed between halves.

Aesthetically Pleasing Deviled Eggs Every Time

hand piping yolk for deviled eggs
hand piping yolk for deviled eggs - muratart/Shutterstock

Remember how we said deviled eggs are all about presentation? Slicing your eggs cleanly is only one part. There are a few other best practices to follow to guarantee aesthetically pleasing deviled eggs every time. One major misstep to avoid is the green ring of death. This unappetizing green ring around the yolk is caused by overcooking. After boiling, immediately transfer your eggs to an ice bath to halt the cooking process.

Making sure that your hard-boiled eggs peel cleanly is crucial to maintaining their aesthetic appeal and texture. When eggs are difficult to peel, they often end up with unsightly blemishes and chunks of egg white removed along with the shell. To avoid this, add lemon juice or another acidic liquid to your water when boiling the eggs. The acid helps to break down the eggshell, making the eggs easier to peel neatly.

For a final pretty touch, consider using a small piping bag to pipe the yolk filling into the egg white halves. This will keep the yolk where it's supposed to be and it gives the deviled eggs a more elegant finish.

Read the original article on Daily Meal