Simple Kitchen Safety Tips Could Prevent a Disaster

Keeping Your Kitchen Safe

The kitchen may be the heart of the home, but it can also be one of the most dangerous zones, especially with small children. Follow along with our Safe & Sound Home series as the style expert turns this kitchen into a safe cooking zone.

The kitchen is a place of food, fun, and family. But it can also be a place of safety hazards. Style expert and mom-of-two Emily Henderson knows the drill when it comes to keeping families safe, so we sent her to one home in need of a kitchen safety upgrade. Her solutions are not only smart and unique, but also installed with design in mind. Check out what Emily had up her sleeve for this food-loving family and how you can make your kitchen safer, too!

Check out all the videos in our Safe & Sound Home series for more great safety tips for every room.

1. Stay Charged

Most families now have a designated charging station in the shared areas of their home, especially the kitchen. The bad news is that it's sometimes a little too close to the sink. Electronics near an open water source is just begging for damage, so we decided to find a solution. This covered charging station will keep your family plugged in and safe. Emily simply placed a power strip inside a ribbon storage box and ran cords through the holes in the box to make connecting devices easy.

2. Be Prepared

Fire safety should always be practiced, especially in the kitchen. In case a dinner goes wrong, make sure you have the tools you need to get the situation under control quickly. Keep a fire extinguisher under the sink for emergencies. Be sure that all adults and mature kids in the house know how to use it properly. It's better to be safe than sorry!

3. Lock it Down

It's common to find cleaning supplies under the sink. While it is a convenient place to store spray bottles and detergents, it can also pose a risk to curious tykes. All those chemicals and harmful ingredients are dangerous, and their shiny packaging can look like a toy. Invest in a quality child lock to keep those cabinet doors shut and chemicals out of reach.

4. Stove Safety

Perhaps the most dangerous appliance in your house is the one you use multiple times a day. A stove, whether it's gas or electric, can put your family at a serious risk of burns. Even if you watch your kids closely while you cook, give yourself some peace of mind by installing a child guard that will block little hands from reaching for hot surfaces. Its clear design blends well into your space, and it is short enough that it won't disturb your cooking. Child-safe knob covers also reduce the risk for burns.

5. Tech Zone

No kitchen is complete without a smoke alarm. With today's technology, fire detectors go beyond the annoying ring; the one we found talks back to you to alert your family of any harm. Emily also helped out this food-loving family by installing a small camera to their front door. With the help of an app on his phone, the family chef doesn't have to leave the kitchen to see who's knocking at their front step. With all these affordable tech products, safer homes are more accessible than ever.