Simone Biles Just Pulled Off a Gymnastics Move That’s Never Been Done Before

Photo credit: Laurence Griffiths - Getty Images
Photo credit: Laurence Griffiths - Getty Images

From Oprah Magazine

Artistic gymnast Simone Biles is a legend at this point—and rightfully so. In her professional career she's known for taking risks, performing the so-called "hardest move in the world" at the U.S. Gymnastics Championships last year, and training for the notoriously difficult Yurchenko double pike, a vault that some consider too dangerous for the Olympics.

Even when stuck at home like the rest of us, Simone is putting in the freakin' work: she showed up everybody else's handstand challenges back in April when she debuted her own version, managing to take off her sweatpants while maintaining a free handstand. But if you think making impressive TikToks is all that Simone has been up to, you'd be wrong.

Simone has begun training again for real, and she means business. The Olympic gold medalist shared a video on Twitter this week in which she successfully pulled off what the Olympic Channel called a "triple-twisting double back off the balance beam." Like, what?! My muscles are already screaming. Anyway, it's a move that has never been done before... until now.

Some athletes might make a fuss about pulling off such a feat after months of limited training, but in typical badass Simone fashion, she just wrote "sometimes I flip and what not," and that's that on THAT.

The video of the triple-double dismount is the first glimpse of her training that Simone has shared on social media since the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games were officially postponed until 2021. However, don't expect to see her perform this balance bar dismount at the rescheduled Games next year: it has already been ruled *too risky* by the IOC. But did you really think that was going to stop Simone from trying it out?!

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