How to Get Silly Putty Out of Clothes and Fabric in 3 Easy Ways

<p>Aibekov Daniyar / Getty Images</p>

Aibekov Daniyar / Getty Images

Silly putty is a fun toy no matter your age. It's stretchy, sticky, and ooey gooey—but that also makes it messy.

If you aren't careful, silly putty can easily get stuck places you don't want, like your carpet, your couch, and even your clothes. Fortunately, if you found silly putty squished into your shirt or pants, there are a few methods you can use to remove the putty without damaging the fabric. Read on to learn how to remove silly putty from clothes and other fabrics using one of three simple methods.

Can Silly Putty Stain Clothes?

Since silly putty has an oily base, it can stain your clothes if not properly treated. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to remove silly putty from clothes with natural stain removers, that are likely already in your cupboard, like rubbing alcohol and white vinegar.

Many commercial cleaners can remove silly putty stains as well. However, we recommend the methods below as alternatives, to avoid exposing yourself and others to harmful chemicals.

How to Get Silly Putty Out of Clothes With Rubbing Alcohol

One of the most effective ways to remove silly putty from clothes and other fabrics is with rubbing alcohol. Before you douse your shirt in alcohol, make sure to spot test in an inconspicuous location on your clothing item. Rubbing alcohol may stain certain fabrics, like silk and rayon, so depending on the clothing item you might consider one of the methods listed below instead.

  1. Once you're certain the rubbing alcohol won't damage your item, douse the silly putty stain in rubbing alcohol.

  2. Using your fingers, begin rubbing or pulling away the silly putty. Right away you'll notice the rubbing alcohol breaking down the silly putty.

  3. You can also use the backside of a butter knife or a soft bristle brush to pull the silly putty out of the fabric.

  4. When you're finished, toss the item in the washing machine and wash like normal.

  5. Before popping your clothing item in the dryer, we recommend you check the stain one last time to be sure it's completely gone.


If you don't have rubbing alcohol on hand, you can also try hydrogen peroxide or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Again, be sure to test in an inconspicuous location first.

How to Get Silly Putty Out of Clothes With Ice and Dish Soap

For this method, start by pulling away as much of the silly putty as you can.

  1. Press an ice cube against the leftover putty. When you freeze silly putty, it hardens and shrinks, both of which make it easier to remove.

  2. Once the silly putty has frozen, you can use the backside of a butter knife to gently pull it away from the fabric.

  3. When you've finished with the butter knife, you will most likely notice a leftover oily stain in the fabric. Mix some water with a little liquid dish soap and rub the solution into the stain. Use a microfiber cloth to help pull up any leftover putty.

  4. Finally, toss your clothing item in the washing machine and wash as you typically would. We recommend checking to make sure the stain is totally gone before moving your clothing item to the dryer.


If you're not pressed for time, you can skip the ice cube, pop your clothing item in the freezer, and let it sit overnight. When you wake up the next morning, get to work with your butter knife.

How to Get Silly Putty Out of Clothes With White Vinegar

Vinegar is another effective cleaning solution for a variety of different stains, including silly putty. For this method, you'll start by diluting the vinegar in a small bowl or jar.

  1. Mix one part white vinegar with two parts water.

  2. Next, dip a clean cloth in the mixture and gently wipe and scrape away the silly putty. As with the other methods outlined in this guide, you should notice the solution working its magic almost immediately.

  3. Once you've removed the silly putty, you can wash your clothing item as you usually would. As always, be sure to double check the stain before moving your item to the dryer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does alcohol dissolve silly putty?

Yes, alcohol dissolves silly putty as it evaporates.

Why does vinegar remove stains?

Vinegar is an effective stain remover because it's an acid, and acids are great stain removers.

Read Next: The Ultimate A-to-Z Stain Removal Guide for Clothes, Carpet, and More

Read the original article on The Spruce.