Silent night? Why a ban on caroling would ruin Christmas

In the bleak mid-winter: a carol service at Salisbury Cathedral - RUSSELL SACH
In the bleak mid-winter: a carol service at Salisbury Cathedral - RUSSELL SACH

As Jo March almost said in Little Women, “Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presence.” While families are making plans for the holidays, musicians are calling for outdoor carol singing to be permitted in all tiers when lockdown ends on December 2, and for clarity in what amateur, professional, and church singers are allowed to do.

The Out to Perform campaign, led by such luminaries as Julian Lloyd-Webber, Lesley Garratt, Imelda Staunton, Sir Willard White, Aled Jones and John Rutter – the latter arguably the voice, and the composer, of modern Christmas – has written an open letter to the Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden playing up the benefits of outdoor music, and entreating the government to allow audiences to watch and sing along.

It says shrewdly, “This would provide a zero-cost ray of light to the nation’s mental health at this dark time; a boost for grassroots music making; and maintain one of the UK’s few cultural traditions that unites rich, poor, young and old: a win-win for government.”

“This focus of the petition is because carols aren’t just about church, are they, they’re about shared ideas of joy and universal prayers for peace,” says Charles MacDougall, a singer, vocal coach and choral director. “At their heart, carols are about light and hope. They transcend national and cultural borders, and restrictions of time. The carols we sing are from around Europe; from the earliest forms of music to very contemporary indeed. I most strongly identify with this petition because of the focus on carol singing. We need to find ways to talk about how important community and belonging is, and shared experiences are because we’ve been denied all those things.”

Opinion is divided over the wisdom of encouraging mass gatherings before the vaccine has been distributed. One amateur singer told me how they had just picked up their phone to excitable messages on their choir’s WhatsApp discussing the petition and was too worried to share in the enthusiasm.

“I love carolling and feel a physical tug when I think about not being able to sing at Christmas,” they say, “but I can’t help but have doubts about the wisdom of letting amateur groups perform in public places, especially given the likelihood that members of the public will want to stop and listen. Whose responsibility is it to enforce social distancing for the audience, the choir? It doesn’t feel very realistic. I wish there was a way around it, but I just can’t see one at the moment.”

Part of the problem stems from inconsistency regarding the science surrounding Covid-19. Restrictions on professional singers (able to sing inside in unlimited numbers even in lockdown, 1m apart) and amateur singers, banned during lockdown and tiered restrictions for which (outside only, rule of six, 2m apart) were “not reflecting the safer nature of being outside,” according to Out to Perform.

“It’s not that we haven’t received guidance, but we needed answers a lot more quickly and for the government to be ahead of the game,” says MacDougall, who had to quickly pivot to online teaching during lockdown. “We have these restrictions but there is still no clarity on what this means for choirs. For someone like me who is working as a professional singer, and as a professional conductor but with amateur singers, I needed to know both things and at the same time.”

This isn’t just about singing – churchgoers have managed to cope without belting out hymns for the past eight months – but an industry, rendered almost invisible under the guise of community spirit, which is crucial during the winter period. Carol singing raises millions for charity. “Outdoor carol singing is really joyful and spreads the use of music to engage with people. For the charities they’ve lost a lot of their fundraising this year and it’s certainly one of the ways they make money,” says a professional freelance church singer. “I’ve personally raised thousands of pounds for homeless charities in one day, singing to people waiting to get into St Paul’s for the carol service.”

In July she, along with hundreds of others, signed an open letter campaign published in The Telegraph this summer asking for the Church of England to support their singers in the wake of what she primly describes as “slightly crappy leadership from the archbishop in the first lockdown.”

In usual times carol singers, whether amateur or professional, are employed from around now through to Christmas Eve to bring festive atmosphere and music to corporations, on screen, at fundraising church services and parishes up and down the country. Amateur choirs raise money for charity through outdoor concerts and are often booked as the cheaper option by businesses looking for a bit of atmosphere without the professional price tag.

 King's College Cambridge Choir - Geoff Robinson
King's College Cambridge Choir - Geoff Robinson

Through choirs, I have spent many happy Christmases singing at craft fairs, work parties, or on the South Bank, and in smaller gatherings. My friend and I sang carols for my brother and sister-in-law at their December wedding – there is something truly uniting about the  messages of peace and hope they bring, not to mention their diverse provenance, coming as they do from the world and times over, stretching back to medieval times in some cases.

Move up the scale to the pro level, and this is where you find the singers who swell the ranks at smart London churches, and who bring out the big guns for Evensong, Christingle, and Christmas Eve. With the arts all but forgotten about during the pandemic, and Christmas traditionally a season of almost universal music-making and thus the annual money-spinner for musicians, this does not promise to be a merry Christmas for a vast swathe of Britain’s musical population.

“Guilds, banking firms, charities, put on services for their members and hire professional singers and that’s all gone,” says the church singer. “It’s a massive financial hit and a lot of freelancers have slipped through the net of government grants. The loss of parish carol services will mean so much to the congregation. This is a time when most people go to church and they go for the music. It’s a huge thing to miss out on, as is our ability to support ourselves by working. It’s really unfair for other workplaces to be open and not churches. Singing is always bumped down the line, always left to the last minute.”

Having cultivated a portfolio career, Charles MacDougall was able to pivot, but this success was bittersweet. “Musicians are incredibly responsive by nature; every time we perform, we are faced with new acoustics, venues, singers, choirs,” he says. “Once the initial bleakness of lockdown had passed, we leapt on this new way of working. But there was always this real crushing sense that it was just us that cared about it. It constantly feels like we are left ‘til last.”

Should caroling continue despite the pandemic? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.