Sight of Pit Bull Casually Lounging on Cat Tower With Feline Siblings Has Everyone Laughing

When you've had a dog (or any pet) for a long time, you've accepted that unexpected things sometimes happen. Whether your four-legged angel starts getting into trouble or leaves you a surprise 'gift' on the living room floor, there are days when you just have to roll with the punches. Fortunately, many of a pet's other surprises are much cuter and funnier!

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The owner of Luna the Pit Bull can attest to that. He recently caught his curious pup chilling in the most unexpected place--the cat tower--alongside her feline siblings. The way she looked at her dad when he got the camera on February 12 was full of confusion as if she wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary at all. After all, her fur siblings sit there every day, so why can't she?

OMG! I nearly did a double-take at all the animals on the cat tower because everyone looked oh-so-casual. Only on a second glance did I see Luna watching her owner like she was asking, "What are you looking at?" On the third glance,  I noticed my favorite detail--the Pit Bull's paw resting on her feline sibling. It was just the sweetest thing!

There are plenty of other viewers oohing and awwing over the adorable furry friends, but I can't forget to give a shoutout to the cat tower. It must be incredibly sturdy to hold a medium-sized dog and three cats--let alone to keep them all balanced. It's no wonder why so many viewers are asking for the name of the cat tree!

Cats and Dogs Aren't Always Frenemies

As Luna and her kitty friends show, cats and dogs absolutely can get along together. They can live in the same home, relax in the same space, and even learn to trust one another, but that doesn't mean the relationship will be perfect either. Like any siblings, cats and dogs are bound to squabble sometimes, but it will be well worth it to see adorable moments like the one Luna shared with her friends.

However, the way you set up your pets' interactions can be crucial to their success. For example, it may not be a smart idea to simply drop them in a room together. Instead, you'll want to keep them separated while allowing them to smell items the other has touched. Eventually, you can let them meet through a gate and, when everyone is ready, face-to-face! Remember not to rush things, though. as your pets have their whole lives to learn to get along! When. you have a pup like Luna, though; it's bound not to take much longer at all!

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