The Siblings of a Republican Rep. Endorsed His Rival and It's Very Petty

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Photo credit: Getty Images


Political ads have always been used to take shots at an opponent. But they've reached an unprecedented level of petty in a new series of TV ads endorsing Democrat David Brill against Arizona Representative Paul Gosar.

On Thursday, Brill debuted the ads featuring 6 concerned citizens that endorse Brill and brutally condemn his opponent, Gosar. They also happen to be Gosar's SIBLINGS.

Yes, Gosar's own brothers and sisters.

The ads, which will air on TV soon, show testimonies from Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan, Grace, and David Gosar. According to the Phoenix New Times, the siblings, "say that their brother's positions on immigration, the environment, and health care have effectively torn their family apart."

Grace Gosar particularly slams her brother by stating, "It would be difficult to see my brother as anything but a racist."

Gosar is one of President Trump's biggest supporters, who has been adamant about building the wall and outspoken against DACA. When Dreamers were invited to attend the State of the Union address in January, Gosar called on the Capitol police to arrest them. He also blamed the "the left" for the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville and accused Democratic donor George Soros of being a Nazi collaborator in an interview with Vice News.

Commenting on his brother, David Gosar told Phoenix New Times on Friday that him and his siblings, "are not seeking attention. But after watching their brother's career in Congress unfold over seven years, they couldn't stay silent any longer." The third Gosar sibling insists, "None of us are doing this for publicity. None of us even want to do it."

Gosar and his siblings have been estranged for some time now and this wouldn't be the first time they spoke against him. Following Gosar's comments on Charlottesville, the Gosar siblings wrote an open letter to the Kingman Dailey Miner, defending George Soros and criticizing their brother.

"It is extremely upsetting to have to call you out on this, Paul, but you’ve forced our hand with your deceit and antisemitic dog whistle," they wrote. They also told New Times that Gosar is "an embarrassment" to the family.

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