Siberian Cat Caught 'Backfiring' and the Video Wins the Internet

A gorgeous Siberian cat is totally winning the Internet by acting absolutely unhinged. Not only does he sound like a motorcycle, he's doing full on wild man bunny kicks on his cat tree and the furniture and this is one cat that has way too much energy to burn.

Just watch this to see what I mean.

Nimbus is absolutely beautiful but it seems like he may have gotten into the catnip when his mama wasn't looking.

The hilarious video was posted by @nimbus_siberian and viewers can't get enough of it. One person commented, "He’s so cute and angry at the same time." Another added, "Possession at its finest." Someone else added, "He thinks he’s a race car!" Another person replied, "I do the same thing every time my alarm goes off."

Related: Siberian Cat's 'Beef' With Owners' New Couch Is Too Fitting

I'm also the owner of a high-energy cat, and I speak from experience when I say you want to wear these cats put as much as possible. if I don't actively play with my own cat he starts trying to wrestle the dog and then I have two totally wound up animals tearing through my house. And no shade to Nimbus, but I can't be the only one wincing at what he has done to the furniture.

How To  Protect Your Furniture From Your Cat

This cat did a number on that sofa.<p>RJ22/Shutterstock</p>
This cat did a number on that sofa.


Most cats won't scratch your favorite armchair if they have alternative items that they are allowed to scratch, like scratching poles and scratching boards. Sprinkle some catnip on them to entice your cat to use them, and you can also leave their favorite toys by the scratching post so they have more interest in using them.

Trim your cat's nails and if you are too nervous to do it, your vet will happily do it for you, or sometimes your local pet supply stores will offer that service and it's super inexpensive.

Some retailers sell scratching pads you can place on the arms of your furniture to give your cat a place to scratch but also to protect your upholstery.

One of the coolest items I have seen is by one of my favorite cat brands, Mau pets, and they have these super cool looking wall panels and the description reads, "This innovative product transforms your wall into a customizable cat-scratching masterpiece, offering a vertical arrangement of up to three boards that serve as a chic decor piece and a scratching/climbing post for your cat." Sadly, they are out of stock at present but those are a great idea for your cat who likes to scratch all the things.

Whatever you do, don't get your cat declawed. It's illegal in some states, it's inhumane, it hurts a cat badly, and a lot of cats who get declawed refuse to use their litter box. No one wants that.

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