Show Us The Best Halloween Costume You've Ever Had

Halloween will probably look a little different this year. After all, more than 62% of the US population has received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine, and about 53% are fully vaccinated.

Someone re-creating the sensual pottery-making scene from "Ghost," with a blow-up Patrick Swayze attached to them

So, we want to see your all-time best Halloween costume. Maybe it was a two-person costume that won you $500 in a contest.

A woman dressed as a Publishers Clearing House winner (robe and face mask and all), and a spokesperson with a giant check

This Publishers Clearing House winner + spokesperson duo take the cake, tbh.

Perhaps you DIY'd something that was based on your favorite movie character, and evvvvvveryone complimented you on it.

A woman dressed as Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz," but half of her is in black and white and the other half is in color

This pre-tornado/post-tornado Dorothy is sooooo freaking impressive.

Or maybe there's an old group costume — like the one below of Bob Ross and some "happy" trees – that you loved so much, you'll probably re-create it again this year.

Bonus points if you even incorporated a surgical mask into your costume!

Bonus points if you even incorporated a surgical mask into your costume!

Whatever your absolute BEST Halloween costume was, we want to see it! Use the comments below to upload a pic and tell us what you were!

A side-by-side of a drunk Meredith from "The Office" and a woman dressed just like her

Drunk Meredith from The Office = genius.


The best responses will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

A couple dressed as Tom Hanks' character and Wilson the volleyball from "Cast Away"