This Shot Glass Camera Will Be The Hit Of Every Summer Party

Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton
Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton

From Delish

There's no limit to the lengths people will go for a killer Insta story, or Snap, or really, any opportunity to share the amazing things you're doing with your life with the poor, unfortunate souls left thumbing through your posts. Some strap GoPros to their heads and chests, capturing themselves rappelling down boulders or whitewater rafting. Others bravely brandish a selfie stick down the crowded streets of Times Square, capturing the chaos in all its LED-flashing glory.

But one set of adventurers has been largely ignored by this trend. Until now.

Photo credit: Polaroid/Amazon
Photo credit: Polaroid/Amazon

Polaroid, makers of the camera that inspired an Outkast dance move - and the Polaroid Cube, a small, wifi-enabled video camera you can take on the go - have come out with the shot glass mount. Yes, that's right: a clear plastic cup that fits squarely on top of the camera, so you can capture every pour, cheers, and double-chinned "bottoms up!" moment the night has to offer.

Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton
Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton

Naturally, people's first question is "But how does that make for a good selfie?!" We get your rage and your confusion, and generally, the answer is it doesn't. It's not for carefully composed future profile pics - it's for capturing the frenetic madness of the party. And really, for getting people to do a double-take as they see it for the first time and go, "Whoa, wait - is that a shot glass camera?!"

Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton
Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton
Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton
Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton

At $15, it's a pretty cheap party trick, too. You can find them on eBay or Amazon.

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