Short on Space? Estonian Brand ÖÖD House Has the Perfect Solution

Photo credit: ÖÖD House
Photo credit: ÖÖD House

From Veranda

We've learned a lot this year, and one of the lessons many of us have had to learn the hard way is that our dwelling really doesn't function the way we need it to.

Whether you live in a cottage by the sea, a metropolitan studio, or a suburban two-story house, you've likely had to rethink of our homes as more than just places to eat and sleep. They've been our schools, gyms, offices, playgrounds, bars, and restaurants this year, which has led many to move to new locales, purchase bigger homes nearby, take on renovation projects, or finally turn that vacation home into a full-time residence.

Luckily, those aren't the only options to achieve our dream home right where we are.

Brothers Andreas and Jack Tiik launched ÖÖD House in 2017 after being disappointed with accommodation options on a hiking trip. They found their choices to be either massive log cabins for a large group of people or a small house of mediocre quality for one or two. The pair was inspired to create their standalone room concept for lodging in remote destinations, which has now evolved to standalone office spaces, gyms, winter gardens, playrooms, and studios—even hotel rooms in the middle of a bustling city.

The ÖÖD Office Room is equipped with wooden side walls and an outdoor desk in case you want to work through your to-do list outdoors, but you won't lose your view upon going inside. The structure offers nearly 360-degree views and its mirrored exterior reflects the beauty of your natural surroundings. This also means you can avoid the sun's glare on your computer screen and enjoy the view.

These sleek glass cabins start near $22,000 plus cost of transport and are available to purchase directly online from ÖÖD House. The brand's new, prefab office space—designed in light of the coronavirus pandemic—is now available to be shipped anywhere in the world.

All you need is some space of your own to fit the ÖÖD office—measuring 113 square feet—and a location check that includes building permits from your local government. From there, ÖÖD House will create a communication plan and offer a personalized shipping quote, and will provide foundation poles that will be installed by the client's local construction company in preparation over a period of one to two days. Finally, you'll need an electrician to connect your new office space to the grid, and then you'll be ready to get those creative juices flowing and conduct your virtual meeting with the ultimate Zoom background.

Currently, the home office is the only option available for those living in the U.S. to purchase, and the company plans on selling it through Amazon soon. We're hoping more ÖÖD House options become available worldwide in the future, but until then, we will be transforming our home offices right on time as the temperatures lower and our patios no longer serve us well. And, with views of our carefully cultivated gardens to admire, we'll never complain about early meetings again.

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