'Shittens' Are a Thing Now, and Parents: You'll Want Them STAT

Photo credit: Shittens
Photo credit: Shittens

From Good Housekeeping

Parents, you know firsthand that sometimes ... s**t gets real. Especially when it comes to changing your baby's diaper. Spare yourself from using up almost all your baby wipes in one attempt and test out your new best friend: Shittens.

Photo credit: Shittens
Photo credit: Shittens

Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. Created because traditional baby wipes leave your hands at risk for all kinds of accidental fecal encounters, parents can clean their baby with ease, using a pair of these. Just remember they're disposable, so don't use shittens more than once.

Obviously, they broke the internet. They're currently sold out on Amazon, but if you're like us, we'll be checking back constantly for when they're back in stock. 'Cause poop is gross.

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