The Shine-Fighting Sponge That Stands Up To The Florida Heat

The Shine-Fighting Sponge That Stands Up To The Florida Heat

As a native Floridian, I’ll admit that spending an entire summer in my home state is particularly brutal. You really don’t know what hot and humid means until you’ve lived through a Sunshine State heat wave. That’s why my ideal way to cope with hundred-degree temps is to go from one heavily air-conditioned location to another. However, for those times I am braving the elements, a beat the heat beauty game plan is imperative. While waterproof makeup and frizz-fighting hair products are important factors in this plan, there’s one item that I take with me absolutely everywhere: BeautyBlender’s Blotterazzi ($14;

Think of the Blotterazzi as regular blotting papers on steroids. And I’m not going to lie, this little pink sponge has saved me from going through packs upon packs of oil-absorbing sheets thanks to its innovative design. It’s similar to the original BeautyBlender sponge except much thinner. The flat side is perfect for soaking up any grease on my T-Zone, cheeks and chin while its skinny edges let me blot away any sweat underneath my eyes without disrupting my liner or shadow. Beyond lifting off excess shine, I also feel like it refreshes the look of my face makeup without having to add any more product to my skin.

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Because it’s a sponge, the Blotterazzi won’t rip or get soggy like other paper blotting sheets, nor will it cause you to stash gross, used blotting papers back in your purse if you aren’t near a trash can. Each compact comes with two sponges and the case is ventilated. Plus, there’s a mirror inside of it too ‚ so you can easily touch-up anything else that’s melting off due to extreme humidity. Basically, the Blotterazzi is my sweat-fighting side kick all summer all long, so if you’re a fellow Floridian — or any Southerner for that matter — run, don’t walk to add this pretty pink sponge to your beauty routine.