Sheriff's Office Donates Dog To 8-Year-Old After Her Pup Tragically Passed Away

Priscilla Aguilar, an 8-year-old from Sacramento county, went through a horrific ordeal earlier this month when she was playing with her seven-month-old German Shepard puppy and a man ran the dog over because it was playing in the road. Aguilar had been attempting to pull the dog away from the road when the incident occurred.

Thankfully, this awful story has a beautiful ending, because the Members of Sacramento County's Deputy Sheriffs' Association worked with the Bradshaw Animal Shelter to help the little girl find a new forever friend.

Aguilar's new friend is a husky named Atlas.

@Sammie comments, "He wasn’t ‘tragically killed’ he was brutally murdered by a maniac who needs to be kept away from the rest of society for a long long time." @Cindy adds, "Hope they guy gets "sweet jail justice" for that intentional act.."

The sheriff’s association is also donating a $500 PetSmart gift card to the family to help with supplies and training.

What an awful tragedy for this little girl and her beloved puppy to go through. We hope that her new dog can help her heal through this. It's impossible to put yourself into the mind frame of someone who would commit such a heinous act, and the man who did this was arrested on June 21 on an animal cruelty charge.

At least this story has a sweet ending for this little girl and the amazing sheriffs who helped her.

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