Shelter Recognizing the 'Introvert of the Playgroup' Has People Feeling Seen

When it comes to finding the right shelter pet for your home, it couldn't matter less what kind of person you are. Whether you're always on the go or a total homebody, you can find a number of dogs who would fit in well with your lifestyle. Of course, not any dog who checks of the boxes will be the one, but with a little time and dedication, you're sure to find them.

Suppose you're someone who's active and fun but isn't always the center of attention. Blunder sounds like your kind of dog! His friends at the Nebraska Humane Society caught the moment that his big boy was outside in the play yard trying to build up the courage to join the group. He was likely feeling a bit introverted that morning, but all that matters is that he had a good time outside.

Aww--Blunder! The first time I watched this video I felt sad for the poor dog sitting by himself at the side of the yard, but the more I thought about it, the more I could see different sides to this. Maybe it was just too early for this sleepy Pit Bull! Perhaps he was more interested in getting belly rubs than playing with other dogs. Whatever the case may be, I applaud the animal shelter's easygoing response.

The humane society's in-video text that reads "when your coffee hasn't kicked in yet" is honestly all too accurate. Being social is one of the last things I want to do first thing in the morning, but, like Blunder, I have plenty of days when I just have to get up and go.

Can Dogs Really be Introverted?

While the entire concept of introversion and extraversion is based on human behavior and emotions, these terms can make dog behavior patterns easier to understand and explain. So, yes--a dog can be an introvert in the sense that they become drained or anxious in social situations while becoming rested and energized outside of relationships.

There are many factors that influence dog behavior, though, so it's not technically correct to label a dog as an introvert. Instead, they act introverted, just like Blunder. While this big dog wasn't up for playtime while the cameras were rolling, he's a playful and friendly dog who's up for adoption at the Nebraska Humane Society. If you can give this sensitive gentleman a loving home, don't hesitate to give them a call!