This Shelter Will Bring a Puppy and a Cupcake to Someone You Love on Valentine’s Day

Photo credit: The Animal Shelter of Sullivan County/Getty Images/The Washington Post
Photo credit: The Animal Shelter of Sullivan County/Getty Images/The Washington Post

From Cosmopolitan

Adopting a dog is a BFD, and it can take time to know whether a puppy is right for you. Not only did one shelter in Tennessee come up with a genius solution, but it also managed to help set people up for Valentine’s Day in the process.

The Animal Shelter of Sullivan County is allowing people to send “puppergrams” to someone they love for Valentine’s Day. According to the shelter’s Facebook page, you can have a shelter puppy visit your place when you donate $75.

That’s not all you’ll get: You can choose between a dozen roses with a red velvet “pupcake” (not the cupcake shown above!) or a dozen chocolate-dipped bacon roses with a one-hour axe-throwing pass.

Puppergrams are happening on Thursday, February 13, and Friday, February 14, and there’s limited availability. As of now, there are 24 slots available for the dozen roses/pupcake combo and only 12 available for the bacon roses and axe throwing.

If you happen to live in Tennessee and want to get your own puppergram, call 423-279-2741 or DM the shelter to purchase one. A huge caveat: The shelter will deliver Puppergrams to workplaces only, so there’s zero chance you’ll get to romp with a pup at home while noshing on bacon roses and throwing axes. You’ve gotta do that at work.

Oh! In case you’re wondering, local station WCYB says the pups will be safely transported back to the shelter afterward, and they’ll be available for adoption soon after Valentine’s Day.

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