These 26 Photos Alone Are Scarier Than "Hereditary," "The Exorcist," And Even "The Shining"

1.This teacher who creeped on her students from the ceiling tiles:

A woman in the ceiling

2. This terrifying piece of meat hanging in the basement of an Airbnb:

3. This 1943 first aid illustration that VERY wrongly advises people to stick their finger down the throat of someone who's choking:

4. This unknown figure standing in a field:

5. This really ominous looking seal:

6. This bathroom that feels straight out of The Shining:

7. These costumes that belonged to serial killer John Wayne Gacy:

8. This freaky Shrek sculpture in the Czech Republic:

9. This stranger smiling outside someone's door:

10. This chair that looks like it'll never let you get up again once you sit down:

11. This daunting diving sign:

12. This door that's been marked up by an intruder:

13. These endless rows of identical houses:

14. This "Conch removal":

15. This sliced up human display:

16. This art project from hell:

17. This haunting message from 1975:

18. And this blood-curdling message from a serial killer:

19. This demon cat:

20. This engorged tick:

21. These toenails:

22. This eerie laundry room:

23. This suffocating dentist office:

24. This fairy den:

25. This nightmare school bathroom:

26. And finally, this land beyond earth:

H/T: r/oddlyterrifying