Shawn Mendes had an acapella-off with James Corden and it was inhumanly good

Shawn Mendes had an acapella-off with James Corden and it was inhumanly good

Shawn Mendes had an acapella-off with James Corden and it was inhumanly good
Shawn Mendes had an acapella-off with James Corden and it was inhumanly good

So we basically thought late-night television had reached it’s absolute, non-debatable peak earlier this week when James Corden performed with The Backstreet Boys on the Late Late Show. Like seriously, our minds were blown and we were ready to retire.

And just when we thought it couldn’t be topped, our favorite adorable Canadian/secret boyfriend Shawn Mendes showed up last night to have a literal acapella-off/music battle with Corden.

Will Smith
Will Smith

To set the scene: Corden begins the show by raving about the previous night’s BSB appearance, when Mendes emerges from back stage — and he has a bone to pick.

“You never play new music…it’s just old stuff all the time. I’m thinking you should update your playlist.”

Corden counters with the fact that it’s just because “everyone knows music from the ’90s was better.” Which led to…well, why don’t you just see it for yourselves:

That’s right — a better than/better now sing-off in which the two went toe-to-toe (with the incredible The Filharmonic acapella group to accompany them. NBD). And it was AH-MAZING! And they went everywhere from TLC, to Rihanna, to the Spice Girls, and beyond.

We really needed this on this almost Friday (so close, guys), and we can only hope that tonight’s show brings us something just as amazing.

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