Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello Tried to Swallow Each Other's Tongues on Instagram

From Men's Health

There have been many interesting developments in the news recently. John Bolton was fired. Kobe Bryant publicly scolded a child. And Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello decided that we needed to see what it looks like when two humans try to swallow each other's tongues.

Mendes posted the video in question on his Instagram with no caption, leading us to believe that he also doesn't know what he's doing or why exactly he's doing it. In the video, he starts off by saying that he saw that fans were making fun of him and Cabello for "kissing like a fish." Mendes then says that he wants to set the record straight and show how he and Cabello really kiss.

The video is odd. It's perplexing. It's meant to "troll" the "haters" that make fun of Mendes and Cabello, but it completely misses the mark. Is it because we've reached peak Shamila and we're tired of their showmance? Or is it because we can actually imagine that the two pop stars really kiss in a way that reminds us of two middle schoolers that have just discovered the joys of making out? Reader, I'm not quite sure.

Twitter users, of course, reacted to the video in the hilarious way that they often do.

One person said that the couple kissed like "human window washers," while another requested that bleach be poured in their eyes.

But most users expressed their disgust with a variety of memes and videos.

Regardless of how you feel about the video, we're glad that Mendes and Cabello are having fun. We just politely ask that our eyeballs are kept out of it next time.

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