Shark Attack Survivor Mike Coots Reflects on ‘Limbless’ Surfing Life

If you crosschecked a glossary index with the terms “shark attack” and “inspirational,” you’d probably find a picture of Hawaiian surfer Mike Coots.

While surfing off the coast of Kauai when he was 18 years old, Coots was attacked by a shark. The incident left him without a leg, his right. But instead of wallowing in the despair of becoming an amputee, he got a prosthetic and continued to surf.

From there, he’s become much more than just a surfer who survived a shark attack. He’s made some incredible imagery as a photographer; he’s turned his adversity into advocacy for sharks; and mostly, like mentioned above, he’s an inspiration to many.

Now, Coots is reflecting on that post shark attack journey. In an Instagram post, he shared:

“It was years ago today I survived a shark attack and began my life limbless. Everyday since feels like I’m living on borrowed time. Thank you all who have helped along the way, I’m immensely grateful. 🥹 What a wild, fun, adventurous journey it’s been. 🤙”

Supplementing the reflective message, Coots shared a host of images which chronicled he journey – from hospital bed to recovery to getting a prosthetic leg to surfing with that prosthetic leg and more.

“Definition of inspiration,” wrote surf persona and sports commentator, Selema Masekela.

Additionally, Coots recently released a coffee table book featuring his shark photography, aptly titled Shark. About that book, he wrote:

“This project has been a labor of love, born from a personal fascination after getting attacked with respect for these misunderstood creatures. My goal is to present a fresh photographic narrative on what it’s like being apex. From Great Whites to Great Hammerheads, every species holds its own unique story waiting to be told. This photo book is my heartfelt attempt to ignite a passion for shark conservation, raising awareness about their vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of our oceans. Not to mention they are an artist ultimate muse.”

Check out Coots' shark photography here.


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