Shark Attack Kills Paddleboarder in Bahamas (Video)

A tourist was killed standup paddleboarding in the Bahamas on Monday.

Per official reports, the victim was a 44-year-old American woman who was standup paddleboarding about three-quarters of a mile out from the shore at the Sandals Royal Bahamian resort in Cable Beach, New Providence.

Emergency crews declared her dead on the scene.

With footage of a paddleboard caked in blood, CBS reported:

“We turn now to a deadly shark attack this morning near a popular tourist resort in the Bahamas. The victim is a woman from Boston.

“Shortly after 11:15 this morning, police responded to reports of a shark attack near the Sandals beach resort on Nassau.

“According to official reports, the female along with a male relative were paddleboarding some three quarters of a mile from the shoreline.

“Police say officials rushed to the victim, a 44-year-old woman from Boston. She was brought back to shore in a rescue boat, where emergency rescue personal tried to resuscitate her.

“CPR was administered to the victim, however, she suffered serious injuries to the right side of her body. We thoroughly assed the victim and determined that she showed no vital signs of life.

“While fatal shark attacks are rare, just two weeks ago, a German woman went missing off Grand Bahama’s west end after encountering a shark.”

No word on the species of shark or size; condolences to the family.


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