Shape Studio: Energizing Dance Cardio Circuit

Whether you're out running or in doing reps, it's shifting your outlook. "A single bout of exercise can elicit mood improvement," says physiologist Michele Olson, Ph.D., a Shape Brain Trust member, noting that 20 minutes of cardio or HIIT equally bumps up feelings of wellbeing (as well as these other mental and physical health benefits of working out).

In the bigger picture: A 1995 study in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology found that highly active people were more optimistic than those who do little to no activity, and they felt much more positive about their physical abilities. It may not be a cause and effect, but there is a significant association, says Olson.

And what gets you in a better mood than dancing?

Here, Alissa Tucker, a master trainer of the dance-inspired AKT method in Los Angeles, delivers a mini routine to maximize the joy of movement as you firm muscle all over. Dance cardio haters, don't leave just yet: "If you can walk, you can dance," says Tucker, who created an eight-move mix using a pair of three-pound hand weights (filled water bottles work too) that has little choreography but is a lot of fun.

"You don't usually move your hips all that much in your everyday hustle," she says. "Letting that go and moving in different ways can really change your brain and the way you navigate through life." In this workout, you'll twist as you punch with dumbbells, go side to side for ski hops, do standing moves that work your obliques in ways your plank won't, and even perform sets of hip-strengthening booty pops. "It helps prepare you for anything in your day-to-day," says Tucker.

Try to fit it in three times a week or whenever you could use an injection of feel-good. "By the third week, you'll really let everything go and just enjoy it and party," she says. "Plus, it creates confidence that you can take outside the studio."

AKT Cardio Sculpting Circuit

How it works: Put on your favorite song and do each one of the moves below for the indicated number of reps. Cycle through as many times — and as many songs — and you want.

You'll need: 3lb dumbbells or full water bottles

Booty Pop

A. Start in a wide squat with feet turned out. Lower into a squat, until thighs are parallel to the floor.

B. Tuck hips under, squeezing glutes to scoop pelvis forward.

C. Release, tipping pelvis the other way to pop booty out. Keep knees tracking over toes the entire time.

Do 16 reps.

Hips Don’t Lie

A. Start in a wide squat with feet turned out. Lower into a squat, until thighs are parallel to the floor.

B. Staying in the squat, circle hips in one direction.

Do 8 reps. Switch directions; repeat.

Wring It Out

A. Start standing with the left foot slightly in front of the right holding a dumbell in each hand.

B. Punch the left hand forward at shoulder height in a jab while rowing the right arm back toward ribs. Twist hips to pop the right hip out.

C. Switch sides, punching with the right hand, pulling the left hand back, and popping the left hip. That's one rep.

Do 16 reps. Switch sides so the other foot is in front; repeat.

Roll with It

A. Start standing with feet wider than hip-width apart, holding a weight in each hand. Raise arms to a cactus position, elbows and shoulders forming 90-degree angles with hands toward the sky, to start.

B. Hold the left arm in the cactus position. Circle the right hand around while rolling chest forward and to the left, then body rolling back to start. Keep the right tricep parallel to the floor the whole time.

Do 16 reps. Switch sides; repeat.


A. Stand with feet hip-width apart.

B. Hop and pivot heels and shift hips to the right while throwing hands overhead to the right. Pivot arms, heels, and hips to the left. Repeat once more on each side.

C. Hop and pivot heels and shift hips to the right while swinging arms to the right hip. Pivot arms, heels, and hips to the left. Repeat once more on each side. That's 1 rep.

Do 4 reps.

Hit the Floor

A. Start standing with feet together and arms by sides.

B. Take a big step to the right with the right foot, then step the left foot behind the right foot, and bend down to tap the floor with the left hand.

C. Stand and step the left foot then right foot back to center, and pump left hand up toward the ceiling.

Do 4 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Step Hop, Step Throw

A. Start standing with feet wide. Shift weight onto the right foot, kick the left heel up to left glute, and throw arms overhead.

B. Step the left foot back to the floor and shift weight to the left side, kicking right foot up to right glute and throwing arms overhead. Repeat once more on each side for 4 reps total.

C. Step onto right foot, and kick the left foot forward while throwing arms forward.

D. Step right foot back to the floor, then repeat on the other side, kicking left leg forward and throwing arms forward. Repeat once more on each side for 4 reps total.

Do 4 reps.

Ski Hop

A. Start standing with feet together holding a dumbbell in each hand. Raise arms overhead so dumbbells are directly over shoulders.

B. Hop feet together to the right, lowering the right arm so elbow touches hip.

C. Hop feet together to the left, raising right arm overhead and lowering left arm so elbow touches hip.

Do 16 reps.