Shannon Purser Reveals New "Riverdale" Season 3 Details About Ethel Muggs

"...there’s a new side of her [fans] haven’t seen before."

Riverdale’s third season is just around the corner, hitting our TV screens (and our hearts) in October, and in true Riverdale fashion, there will be a lot of changes for our favorite characters — including more screen time for the one and only Ethel Muggs, played by Shannon Purser.

Shannon, whose Netflix movie Sierra Burgess is a Loser premieres in September, chatted with Bustle recently about what’s next for Ethel. “There’s definitely more Ethel in Season 3, so fans can definitely look forward to that and it’s definitely interesting,” she said. “I can’t give away too much, but she definitely undergoes some pretty big changes ... there’s a new side of her [fans] haven’t seen before. I think it plays a very interesting part in the story this season.”

So far in the series, Ethel has had small but pivotal moments with the core four characters, including helping Betty and Veronica in their crusade against Chuck in season one and throwing a (pink!) milkshake on Veronica during season two. At one point, she was even suspected of killing classmate Midge as revenge for not getting to play Carrie in the school musical.

Playing off these moments, Shannon previously talked to Teen Vogue about Ethel's power and what her motivations are going into season 3. “She's a human being and she's having a really rough time with her family. It's been really interesting to show the results of all of that inner turmoil and her kind of snapping,” Shannon told Teen Vogue in March. “I think Ethel is really just trying to prove herself as a person. I think she really wants people to know that she has something to say and that she is not just some awkward throwaway character, but that she has value. I think her big thing is right now that she feels so isolated and nobody is listening to her. That's kind of why she sort of takes the power back.”

More Ethel in season 3 sounds like great news to us; we’re excited to see what’s next for both the character and Shannon herself. Will Ethel and Veronica mend fences after their standoff in season two? Will they remain foes? Will she start cracking cases with Betty and Jughead? Anything is possible in Riverdale, so we’ll have to wait until it returns on October 10.

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Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out: Shannon Purser Sings a Song Co-Written by Troye Sivan in "Sierra Burgess Is a Loser"

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