Shannen Doherty Says Breast Cancer Remission Triggered 'Fear And Apprehension'

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Women's Health

Shannen Doherty has been through a lot in the health department lately thanks to her 2015 breast cancer diagnosis and three-year battle with the disease. Now, she says she’s learned a lot from the experience.

Shannen told Good Morning America in a new interview that her cancer journey actually helped her be a better actor. “I also think it made me a better human being," she said. "It takes down all your walls, all your barriers, everything that life sort of threw at're guarding yourself so yeah, that all comes tumbling down."

Shannen first revealed in 2015 that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer after suing her former business manager for neglecting to pay her insurance premiums. Shannen said in the suit that this kept her from receiving medical care that, she says, could have helped catch the cancer earlier.

Shannen’s treatment included chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, and she shared a lot of details about the process with fans on Instagram. "I know sharing helped me because when I got back, these beautiful stories from other people, what they were going through ... giving me hope and support and love, it really helped," she said. "It's truly a family. There's something so beautiful about the journey."

Shannen now says that "everything's going really well” with her health. "You hear the word remission and it's a rush of different emotions. It's like, 'what's next?' There's a little bit of fear and apprehension. I felt lost for a second. I was like, 'now what?'” she said. "But then it sort of starts seeping in and then you get joyous and you get so excited but then you got to wait for that five-year mark and that 10-year mark-so remission is a crazy word to me."

She’s also excited to be working again. "I wanted to know that I could do this," she said. "I wanted to make sure that I was back and I was ready for it."

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