Sex robots and 'off-grid' parents: the best, worst and weirdest This Morning guests

This morning guests
This morning guests

A week doesn’t seem to pass without hearing of another bizarre guest on ITV’s This Morning, from a man with his own personal sex robot, to the “off-grid” one-year-old who happily urinated all over the studio floor. Somehow the cheery daytime magazine show has become a hotbed of the world’s strangest people, like a sort of 21st century Eurotrash.

There has been no peculiar sex fetish left unexplored and no baffling hobby left unexplained, all brought together by uncomfortable presenters trying desperately to take it all very, very seriously.

As the daytime TV institution celebrates 30 years on the air, here are 14 of the strangest guests in This Morning history...

Samantha the sex robot

September 2017 saw Holly Willoughby and Phillip Scofield encounter the rubbery sex robot Samantha, the cyborg lover of inventor Arran Lee Wright, who talked up her human-like skin and battery-powered affection. Phillip wasn’t convinced: “Isn’t it a bit like making love to a car GPS?”

Arran went on to explain that Samantha also has a “family mode”, in which she can read his children bedtime stories, tell jokes and talk about philosophy. Asked to comment, Arran’s wife Hannah, who has group sex with both her husband and Samantha, said “She’s just someone there like a family member” and claimed the robot has actually enhanced their sex life.

The “Bim Bom Bim Bom” girl

There was baffling amounts of mourning in the streets when Big Ben made its final bongs for four years last month due to renovation work, and This Morning unsurprisingly found someone to make the whole palava even more absurd.

Big Ben fan Phoebe
Big Ben fan Phoebe

Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holmes interviewed 8-year-old Phoebe, a Big Ben fan who offered to replace the sounds of the clock herself. Asked to demonstrate, Phoebe proceeded to launch into her own uncanny rendition, proclaiming “Bim bom bim bom, bim bom bim bom,” before hitting a giant gong.

“Seriously this girl who wants to be Big Ben is gonna be so embarrassed when she’s older,” one viewer wrote on Twitter.

Watch the clip here

The off-grid toddler who peed on the floor

In 2016, the “off-grid” Allen family came to the studio to talk up their bohemian lifestyle. Strictly anti-vaccine and anti-rules, Adele and Matt have raised their children to “self-heal”, rejecting modern medicine, and have plans to give them a freestyle, “un-schooling” education. Meaning that whatever five-year-old Ulysses is interested in at a given time, Adele and Matt will provide knowledge. Ulysses also continues to be breast fed.

Hosts Ruth and Eamonn were left decidedly unimpressed (“I don’t know if you live in a conventional house, or up a tree,” Eamonn asked), particularly when one-year-old Ostara urinated all over the This Morning carpet mid-interview.

Off-grid parenting in action
Off-grid parenting in action

The Allen’s “off-grid” parenting was of the decidedly pick-and-choose variety, however, with the family having an iPad, Adele being a regular on Facebook, and a crowd-funding campaign to help them move overseas. They were also in the news again this week after being evicted from their Brighton flat following a row about a wet buggy in a hallway.

Watch the interview here

Sex positions for geriatrics

Broadcast during half-term, this eye-popping how-to guide for randy geriatrics garnered significant controversy in 2011… almost as if it were intentional? Ahem.

The segment saw relationship expert Jo Hemmings showing off the latest in sex toy technology, while two presumably well-paid elderly people demonstrated a variety of different sex positions to stifled giggles from Holly and Phillip.

“Was feeling much better but feel positively unwell again after seeing the over 60s demonstrating sex positions on This Morning!” one baffled viewer tweeted.

The 53-year age gap couple

In 2016, Ruth and Eamonn (who always seem to be saddled with the more curious of interviewees) spoke via satellite to Nashville couple Gary and Almeda, who met when Gary was 17 and Almeda was 71. Despite their 53-year age gap, they claimed to be deeply in love, even if they both seemed miffed about being on TV.

age gap
age gap

The interview was plagued with slight technical difficulties, too, meaning Gary wasn’t given an ear piece and Almeda had to relay questions to him. At one point, Gary randomly storms off camera, leaving Ruth in a fit of giggles as she realises the interview has gone completely awry.

Watch the interview here

When Lauren Harries got banned

The antiques expert turned TV oddity was booked on the This Morning sofa to talk about transgender children, but managed to dominate the conversation with bafflingly off-topic points. Interrupting an expert on trans identity, Harries claimed it was wrong for the doctor to use the word “trans”, before using the term “transsexuals” several minutes later.

lauren harries
lauren harries

She also finished the interview by plugging a forthcoming TV series she was appearing on, before putting on a pair of glasses and thrusting her chest at Phillip and Holly while mimicking a character from Little Britain.

As a result, Harries was banned from the series for four years, Phillip tweeting: “Sadly Lauren let herself down a bit on the show today by behaving in a most peculiar fashion. Certainly didn’t advance understanding. Spectacularly inappropriate and very silly... If I wasn’t so cross at the wasted opportunity to advance public perception I think I would laugh at the utter madness of it all.”

Watch the interview here

When dog yoga turned into dog copulation

From the ridiculous to the sublimely ridiculous, this memorable 2015 segment saw Phillip and guest co-host Christine Bleakley being granted a demonstration of “dog yoga”, or “doga” as annoying people call it, in which keen yogis can incorporate their pets into the usual bending and stretching.

Unfortunately, as the demonstration came to an end, one dog seemed to get a bit too frisky and took it upon himself to mount another dog in the class. Just one of the wonders of live television.

Watch the segment here

Richard Blackwood’s live rectal exam

Of all the indignities heaped on Richard Blackwood in the lost years between late-Nineties TV stardom and his EastEnders comeback, this grim moment in modern television has to rank down there with the lowest.

To be fair, Blackwood agreed to the anal probing to highlight the fact that black males are three times more likely to develop prostate cancer than white men -- but that headline can’t help but inspire a rub of the eyes and a second glance. Tragically, there are no clips of the moment online.

“My haunted doll attacked my husband”

This Morning has long been a TV version of those cheap magazines full of grinning women and tales of weird sex murders, but this July 2017 segment was particularly ridiculous. Ruth and Eamonn were tasked with speaking to Debbie and Cameron Merrick, who came to believe their doll, purchased as an investment in an antique shop, may be haunted.

Like the worst installment in Conjuring franchise history, Debbie explained that the doll’s necklace fell off by itself and scratched her husband’s legs. She also claimed the doll was walking around the hotel room they were staying in the night before they appeared on TV.

Creepily, neither Debbie and Cameron Merrick were seen again following their This Morning appearance. Only joking, they sold the doll and went back home.

A man and his love dolls

No, this wasn’t an episode of The League of Gentlemen. Rather this was an infamous This Morning segment in 2011 which saw Bob Gibbins show off just a small proportion of his 250-strong collection of “love dolls”. With help from his long-suffering wife Lizzie, Bob dresses and bathes the dolls, takes them out on trips and treat them as family. He also runs a (popular?) forum devoted to love doll aficionados who like to enact different scenes with their dolls.

love dolls
love dolls

But before you get confused, Bob certainly doesn’t use any of his sex dolls for actual sex.

“Some people do use them for sex,” Bob explained. “But I don’t! I use them exclusively for my forum. I’m a collector. I use them as part of my collection.”

“We spend a lot more time together since we’ve had the dolls,” Lizzie told a concerned Holly. “And we like taking them out for their drives.”

Watch the segment here… or don’t, because it’s terrifying

The “sexless alien”

Taking “non-binary identity” to its extreme, Vinny Ohh appeared on the show to much tabloid attention earlier this year. Like a couple of these “mad guests”, Ohh was actually pretty sweet, their story reduced to one sensationalist topic title. And, to be fair, it is a doozy. To be even more fair, Ohh’s plans are, it goes without saying, extreme.

After having fillers in their cheeks, brows and lips, along with botox, facial peels and a nose job, Vinny’s next aim is to have their nipples and sexual organs entirely removed, turning them into a “sexless alien”. It’s a highly controversial procedure, and one that can’t legally be performed in Vinny’s native USA, but intriguing to say the least. Plus, it also gave us one of This Morning’s funniest headlines of the year.

Watch the interview here

The psychic rump expert

Sam Amos discovered she could psychically read bottoms while drunk at a party, and has made it her life’s work ever since. For this appearance in 2012, Amos not only inspected Phillip’s aura via his rear end, but also the auras of celebrities. “Jennifer Lopez needs to be in love,” Amos claimed. As for Kate Moss, who has a square bottom, “she can be a bit moody, but also a bit of a daredevil.”

psychic rump
psychic rump

In a wonderful mid-interview treat, celebrities including Paul Ross, Lizzie Cundy and Christopher Biggins all stuck their respective rears through a giant hole, with Amos tasked with reading their auras without knowing which celebrity the bottoms matched up to. It was quite brilliant television.

Watch the segment here

The woman terrified of Simon Cowell

This Morning has gotten a lot of mileage out of the strange phobias of the British public over the years, but few can compare to the appearance of Michelle Hall in 2011, who wanted to cure her chronic fear of Simon Cowell.

“He’s just so frightening, I just can’t watch him,” poor Michelle explained. “He looks at me like ‘I’m coming to get you’. I can’t listen to his voice.”

simon cowelll
simon cowelll

Michelle was paired up with life coach cadavers Nik and Eva Speakman to try and get over her fear. But before that Ruth Langsford helpfully held up photographs of Cowell while an on-screen monitor picked up Michelle’s ever-increasing heart rate.

Michelle’s story had a happy ending, however. After going through treatment, she was able to easily meet and interact with a Simon Cowell lookalike, the real Mr. Cowell proving unavailable.

Watch the segment here

The couple that drink urine together stays together

The appearance of a young couple who professed the apparent health benefits of drinking your own urine was met with significant social media horror back in 2014, particularly for a question in which guest co-host Dermot O’Leary asked if they drank their pee “chilled or straight from the tap.”

John Dixon, a purveyor of homeless chic, revealed that he had been drinking his own urine since the age of 17 on a recommendation from a friend, and two years ago convinced his girlfriend Bex to do the same. Bex has subsequently claimed it has cured her depression, and John has insisted his skin is much clearer.

The segment concluded with the couple each downing a champagne flute full of their own fluids, to shock from Holly Willoughby. Daytime gold, this.