Your Sex and Love Horoscope for December 2021

December Sex & Love Horoscopes
December Sex & Love Horoscopes

December is presented as the grand finale of the year — a time to wrap up ongoing projects, reflect, and fully recharge by taking a step back before a whole new calendar year begins. This year, that push to slow down in order to peek back at the past will be particularly evident in our closest bonds, thanks to Venus, the planet of love, kicking off a retrograde in industrious earth sign Capricorn. From December 19 to January 29, relationships, beauty, and money matters could all be stalled in an effort to gain more clarity around pleasure and value.

And although Venus' retrograde might not seem like the sexiest or most romantic vibe for 2021's last chapter, fireworks could go off around December 3-4 when the solar eclipse and new moon lands in steamy Sagittarius, nudging you to share your desires in a direct, unfiltered way.

On December 11, ahead of its retrograde, romantic Venus will conjunct transformative Pluto in Capricorn, amplifying romantic desires, magnetism, and intense power play.

Then, go-getter Mars moves through the sign of the Archer from December 13 to January 24, bringing a more free-spirited, fun-loving, optimistic tone to our sex lives.

Want to know more about how December's astrological highlights will affect your sex life? Read on for your sign's December 2021 sex horoscope. Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, as well as your sun sign. You can find your ascendant with this online rising sign calculator or by getting a natal chart reading to find out.

aries horoscope
aries horoscope

Aries (March 21–April 19)

While your ruler, sexy Mars, is in your ninth house of adventure from December 13 to January 24, you'll want to get out of your comfort zone in the bedroom. Mixing up your usual routine — with yourself and with your partner — could be as involved as taking an online class on erotic blueprints or buying new sex toys to experiment with. It could also be as simple as being more vocal about what you want from your partner in an even more direct, passionate way than usual. And on December 19, the confident sun forms a friendly sextile to lucky Jupiter in your eleventh house of networking, bringing a burst of optimism and good fortune that could show up in the form of the most memorable, fulfilling group date or holiday party experience you've had in a while.

taurus horoscope
taurus horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Last month's lunar eclipse and full moon was all about your personal goals, Taurus, but around December 4, the second eclipse of the season — a new moon and solar eclipse — lights up your eighth house of emotional bonds, urging you to reflect on your most intimate relationships. How comfortable are you really with what you're sharing and how you're supporting one another? It's time now to ask heavy-duty questions like that. And while sexy Mars moves through the same zone from December 13 to January 24, you'll crave not only sexually and emotionally satisfying but transformative experiences with someone special. Getting extra vulnerable about what brings you the most pleasure could deliver experiences that offer off-the-charts satisfaction. (Related: What Are Love Languages and Why Do They Matter?)

gemini horoscope
gemini horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Around December 4, when the new moon and solar eclipse falls in your seventh house of partnership, you'll be grappling with the best way to juggle your personal goals and sense of self with those of another. You could be realizing that you've been putting your needs on the back burner for far too long — or, on the flip side, not meeting your current or potential partners halfway. Consider any patterns you've noticed over the past year and a half to get a clear picture of what the universe is asking of you now. And while messenger Mercury, your ruler, moves through your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy from December 13 to January 2, you'll be more open to blending deep emotional vulnerability with self-expression. Sharing how you feel with someone special — even if only over text or FaceTime to start — can lay the groundwork for feeling satisfied mentally and physically.

cancer horoscope
cancer horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Thanks to romantic Venus' retrograde in your seventh house of partnership from December 19 to January 29, you'll be gaining clarity around your top dealmakers and dealbreakers in your one-on-one relationships. If you're single, you might decide you're setting boundaries faster with matches who don't seem as serious as you about commitment and the path ahead. If you're attached, you might realize it's time to address any problematic behaviors or habits that have emerged in your relationship. And while the vitality-bringing sun moves through the same zone from December 21 to January 19, you'll enjoy a burst of confidence that'll make it even easier to tackle any crunchy moments that are popping up in your love life now. You might suggest a new beginning for you and your S.O. that includes couples therapy or setting an ambitious goal together. Or if you're single, you'll be motivated to polish up your app profiles to reflect what you — in your heart of hearts — want. (Related: What Your Venus Sign Can Tell You About Relationships, Beauty, and Money)

leo horoscope
leo horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22)

It's possible you've been feeling like your focus has been on showing up as a cooperative team player, and working hard to meet your goals. And around December 4, when the solar eclipse and new moon falls in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, you could be frustrated that you've had to hit pause on having fun and spending quality time with loved ones in order to put your nose to the grindstone. By thinking back on the last year and a half, you probably have a sense of what you need to do in order to better balance the mundane with the creative and work with pleasure, and now's the time to make a bold move. Thanks to go-getter Mars moving through the same zone from December 13 to January 24, you'll be in an especially flirtatious, fun-loving mode, eager to get after whatever you've had your eye set on. Verbalizing your steamiest desires — or most romantic, magical hopes — can be the first step to turning long-held fantasies into a reality.

virgo horoscope
virgo horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

While sweet Venus is retrograde in your fifth house of romance from December 19 to January 29, you'll be experimenting more with the practices, experiences, and relationships that bring you pleasure and inspire you creatively. It's possible you could feel like you're suffering from a lack of inspiration — early-onset winter doldrums, if you will — but this is really just a challenge for you to get clear on the commitments you could afford to lose in order to feel more satisfied. Believe it or not, saying "no" could be the best thing you do for your love and sex life now. And thanks to lucky Jupiter moving into your seventh house of partnership on December 28 — where it'll remain until May 10, 2022! — all your dreams and desires related to one-on-one bonding are about to be magnified. If you're in a relationship, you can expect even more abundance to flow your way, and if you're single, the sky's the limit on meeting someone who has you feeling luckier than ever.

libra horoscope
libra horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22)

On December 11, when romantic Venus, your ruler, pairs up with transformative Pluto in your fourth house of home life, you could have a pretty powerful epiphany about old emotional wounds and your closest relationships. You might be motivated to do self-work that leads to the kind of healing that allows you to open up and get even closer to your current S.O. or steer toward someone with whom you can build a gratifying future. And on December 29, sexy Mars in your third house of communication forms a friendly sextile to taskmaster Saturn in your fifth house of romance, motivating you to initiate a serious conversation about what you need between the sheets. This aspect can have you feeling extra empowered and confident, so don't be surprised if you end up being more direct than usual. Though you usually prefer a gentle, subtle approach, spelling out your desires can be a major turn-on — for you and for your partner.

scorpio horoscope
scorpio horoscope

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

When romantic Venus pairs up with one of your rulers, powerful Pluto, in your third house of communication on December 11, you could be fired up to talk through the specifics of a long-held fantasy. The intensity of the moment makes you feel like anything is possible — even hitting pause on your everyday grind in order to enjoy a steamy, memorable interaction with your S.O. or a new partner. Then, you can absolutely look forward to the fact that fortunate, abundance-bringing Jupiter will move into your fifth house of romance and self-expression on December 28, where it remains until May 10. You got a sneak peek of what this will mean for you when it was there May 13 to July 28. Now, for the next several months, pleasure, creativity, and lighthearted moments with a new or current lover could be a constant and major focus. If you're single, your dating life is about to get wild, and if you're attached, your relationship will enjoy a blast of fun-loving energy. (Related: The Best First Date Ideas for Every Zodiac Sign)

sagittarius horoscope
sagittarius horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Thanks to action-oriented Mars moving through your sign from December 13 to January 24, you'll be even more psyched than usual to get after whatever — or whoever— has been making you feel hot and bothered lately. You'll be more assertive and passionate than usual (wild, right?), and once you put an action plan in motion, you generally feel your way to the finish line. Rest assured this will be a pretty steamy moment for your sex life. And around December 18, when the full moon falls in your seventh house of partnership, you'll be reflecting on your closest one-on-one bonds and considering just how much reciprocity exists within them. If your S.O. or potential partners haven't been showing up for you — or vice-versa — then this moment could be one in which you take a step back and assess how to best proceed for your own health and happiness. You'll want to be sure to meditate on the needs of everyone involved — and your intuition should play a pretty significant role as well.

capricorn horoscope
capricorn horoscope

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

With sexy Mars moving through your twelfth house of spirituality from December 13 to January 24, you could feel a bit restless and wrapped up in thinking about the future. You might even lose sleep. Consider using this buzzy energy to gain more clarity around what you'd like your closest relationship to look like in the future. As you move into your own season in the coming weeks, you'll be better prepared and energized to make that vision a reality. Thanks to romantic Venus moving backward in your sign from December 19 to January 29, you'll be finessing how you're showing up in the world. This period's all about gaining clarity around what your personal brand should look like if you're to be most true to yourself. In turn, you might want to tweak your app profiles, if you're single, or if you're attached, talk to your S.O. about how they can best support your big-picture goals. Although self-focus is a main theme of this moment, you'll want to be sure anyone you're currently or eventually partnering with is 100 percent in your corner.

aquarius horoscope
aquarius horoscope

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Around December 18, when the full moon is in your fifth house of romance, you could feel frustrated if it feels like you keep hitting pause on pleasurable activities in order to tackle more professional or mundane tasks. You might feel fed up with denying yourself a good time, and that could inspire you to act more spontaneously than usual, possibly enjoying a spur-of-the-moment date night or steamy hookup or throwing an impromptu holiday party with friends. Go with it. The moment was made for following your heart — and tuning into your intuition. Speaking of intuition, while romantic Venus is retrograde in your twelfth house of spirituality from December 19 to January 29, you could feel like you're lacking clarity around what you need more of in your closest relationship. Although you're keen to push for answers, this period lends itself to more meditation, self-reflection, journaling, and self-care — all of which can help you cultivate clarity. (See: How to Start a Sex Journal — and Why You Should)

pisces horoscope
pisces horoscope

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Around December 18, when the full moon in your fourth house of home life squares off against dreamy Neptune in your sign, your imagination and intuition will be cranked up big time. You'll be thinking about ways you can bring even more balance, security, comfort, and grounding love into your life. Being open to challenging work that will allow you to heal emotional wounds could be a significant step in the right direction. And thanks to lucky Jupiter moving through your sign from December 28 to May 10, 2022, your ability to hit big picture goals will be amplified. You'll be feeling extra optimistic, buoyant, and grateful, all of which can make you truly charismatic to others. If you're single, you could attract someone whose aspirations are in line with your own. And if you're attached, you'll find a lot of bliss in working alongside your S.O. to take your long-term vision to the next level.

Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to being Shape's resident astrologer, she contributes to InStyle, Parents, and more. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie.