Sex Education Platform, Killer And A Sweet Thang, Launches Its Latest Merch Collection

Killer And A Sweet Thang, a sex education platform for young people, is dropping their latest line of merch today, with all the proceeds going towards keeping the site's inclusive sex education materials free and accessible. Cool clothes that help a good cause? Sign us up.

The t-shirts, hoodies, and baseball caps—all wardrobe staples!—are imprinted with empowering messages that project a strong stance on sexual health and education while simultaneously questioning gender binaries. For example, a pink hoodie has “BOY” printed front and center while a blue hoodie says “GIRL”. By using quotation marks, Killer And A Sweet Thang (also known as KAAST) references the supposed limits of today's socially constructed gender binary system. The hoodies also drip with irony and are the perfect winking gesture for people who want to challenge outdated models of thinking about gender.

<cite class="credit">courtesy of killer and a sweet thang</cite>
courtesy of killer and a sweet thang

The sex-ed platform, founded by sex educator and influencer Eileen Kelly, allows easy access to pertinent information about sexual health (amongst other things!) in a non-intimidating way. “Here, we write about sex and all the other things we are told not to talk about — but desperately need to know. We believe everyone can benefit from inclusive, comprehensive sex education, and want to help you resist the forces that tell you to feel ashamed of your bodies and desires,” a statement on their website explains. The fact that proceeds from their merch go towards keeping the website free and accessible is a bonus to a collection that can stand on merit alone.

<cite class="credit">courtesy of killer and a sweet thang</cite>
courtesy of killer and a sweet thang

“Do you even know where my clit is?” another t-shirt in the collection reads in soft pink letters. The design is subtle, yet the message strong and assertive, a description that encapsulates KAAST’s entire ethos.

<cite class="credit">courtesy of killer and a sweet thang</cite>
courtesy of killer and a sweet thang

“We want our summer collection to spark meaningful conversations. Our hoodies are a playful challenge on gender constructs. Our baby tee puts women’s pleasure at the forefront, calling attention to a common sexual experience. Our other tee promotes asking about and vocalizing your wants and needs,” Dina Veloric, KAAST’s merch director, told Teen Vogue. “We wanted to extend our brand into merchandise - the clothes normalize a topic that is so taboo in this country. By walking around in clothing with sex positive tag lines, we hope it allows for conversations to begin,” they continued.

<cite class="credit">courtesy of killer and a sweet thang</cite>
courtesy of killer and a sweet thang

This isn’t the first merch drop that the platform has launched. Their first collection was an underwear line (how fitting!) that sold out within hours. Previously, KAAST released a “sexpert” collection with a “sex education” tee in the cutest retro font and also dropped a Grindr tee for Pride. “All of our merch is super high in demand and has sold out pretty fast some within hours or less than a week,” says Dina. In August, the company plans to drop a tank top collection. You heard it here first!

<cite class="credit">courtesy of killer and a sweet thang</cite>
courtesy of killer and a sweet thang

Wearing this merch is the perfect way to let the world know you’re behind their amazing cause—comprehensive, inclusive, and accessible sex education—and look great doing so. The products are set to launch on the company's website today and are sure to sell out quickly.

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue