Is your severe PMS actually a symptom of a period irregularity?

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Even though you might get symptoms of premenstrual syndrome every month, you just never get used to those cramps and aches. In this episode of ITK: Hack the Cycle, host and co-founder of lifestyle period brand August Nadya Okamoto (@nadyaokamoto) investigates different period experiences by speaking to different New Yorkers and relaying questions back to OBGYN Dr. Ali Rodriguez (@alirodmd).

As it turns out, severe pain and cramping might not just be routine PMS symptoms, but a sign of an irregularity. Here are the questions people have about their periods:

What should your first period feel like?

Dr. Ali: “[Your period] can start and it can be pretty uncomfortable. It could be crampy and it could be heavy, or for some, there’s no cramping and it can be light. The most important thing that I want you to take away is that starting your period is completely normal, and it’s actually a healthy sign that your body and your hormones are all working.”

Is a heavy period flow normal?

Dr. Ali: “You are not alone if you are someone that has heavy periods. Typically, we expect periods to last anywhere from three to seven days in length. Now, if you’re bleeding more than seven days, this is considered abnormal. If you have any doubt in your mind whether it’s heavy or not, I encourage you to see your provider. One of the main reasons that some people get heavy periods is fibroids. And this is something that can be found on imaging or ultrasound, and there’s treatment options available to you.

What is a menstrual disorder?

Dr. Ali: “Menstrual disorders and menstrual irregularities kind of go hand in hand. It’s kind of a more outdated term, but we’re just talking about menstrual abnormalities or period abnormalities, whether it’s heavy bleeding, skipped periods, spotting pain. It’s just period irregularities or menstrual irregularities.

What are menstrual irregularities that we should know?

Dr. Ali: “Secondary amenorrhea and primary amenorrhea. The word amenorrhea means absence of periods, or the lack of bleeding. Primary amenorrhea [is when] someone is over the age of fifteen and has never had a period. Secondary amenorrhea is when someone who has been menstruating has no period for three months.

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